View Source http_cache_store_behaviour behaviour (http_cache_store_behaviour v0.3.0)

The behaviour for http_cache response stores

Keep in mind that for a unique combination of a request's method, URL, body and bucket, there still can be several different responses, depending on the vary and content-range headers. A so called candidate is a response that matches request information independently of these two headers. The main http_cache module is in charge of selecting a response that satisfies these two headers.

One possibility is to include vary and content-range in the key. The content-range header, if the returned response is a 206 Partial Response, is stored in the request metadata (#{parsed_headers := #{<<"content-range">> := {bytes, 3, 10, 20}}} for instance).

This is why the process is the following:
  1. http_cache request all the potential responses (candidates) using list_candidates/1
  2. http_cache selects the freshest response whose vary and content-range headers match
  3. http_cache request the response with get_response/1

Link to this section Summary


Alternate key attached to a stored response

The body transmitted to the backend

Request or response headers
Options for the backend store
A unique, opaque, key for a request taking into account the request's information (method, URL, body and bucket)
Opaque backend's reference to a response, returned by http_cache:get/2 and used as a parameter by http_cache:notify_response_used/2.
HTTP status

Stored HTTP response with its metadata

UNIX timestamp in seconds
Opaque URL digest as computed by the main module
Headers taken into account by vary


Returns a response from a response reference returned by list_candidates/1
Invalidates all responses for a given URL digest
Returns the list of candidates matching a request, via its request key
Notify that a response was used. A LRU cache, for instance, would update the timestamp the response was last used
Stores a response and associated metadata

Link to this section Types

-type alternate_key() :: term().
Alternate key attached to a stored response
-type body() :: binary().

The body transmitted to the backend

This is a binary so as to optimize copying around data: an IOlist would have to be copied whereas (big) binaries are simply reference-counted.
-type candidate() ::
    {RespRef :: response_ref(),
     Status :: status(),
     RespHeaders :: headers(),
     VaryHeaders :: vary_headers(),
     RespMetadata :: response_metadata()}.
-type headers() :: [{binary(), binary()}].
Request or response headers
-type opts() :: any().
Options for the backend store
-type request_key() :: binary().
A unique, opaque, key for a request taking into account the request's information (method, URL, body and bucket)
-type response_metadata() ::
    #{created := timestamp(),
      expires := timestamp(),
      grace := timestamp(),
      ttl_set_by := header | heuristics,
      parsed_headers := #{binary() => term()},
      alternate_keys := [alternate_key()]}.
-type response_ref() :: term().
Opaque backend's reference to a response, returned by http_cache:get/2 and used as a parameter by http_cache:notify_response_used/2.
-type status() :: pos_integer().
HTTP status
-type stored_response() ::
    {Status :: status(),
     Headers :: headers(),
     BodyOrFile :: body() | {file, file:name_all()},
     Metadata :: response_metadata()}.

Stored HTTP response with its metadata

The body can either be a binary (for example if the response is stored in memory) or a file (if the response is stored on disk).
-type timestamp() :: non_neg_integer().
UNIX timestamp in seconds
-type url_digest() :: binary().
Opaque URL digest as computed by the main module
-type vary_headers() :: #{binary() := binary() | undefined}.
Headers taken into account by vary

Link to this section Callbacks

-callback get_response(RespRef :: response_ref(), Opts :: opts()) -> stored_response() | undefined.
Returns a response from a response reference returned by list_candidates/1
Link to this callback


View Source (optional)
-callback invalidate_by_alternate_key([AltKeys :: alternate_key()], Opts :: opts()) -> invalidation_result().
-callback invalidate_url(UrlDigest :: url_digest(), Opts :: opts()) -> invalidation_result().
Invalidates all responses for a given URL digest
-callback list_candidates(RequestKey :: request_key(), Opts :: opts()) -> [candidate()].
Returns the list of candidates matching a request, via its request key
-callback notify_response_used(RespRef :: response_ref(), Opts :: opts()) -> ok | {error, term()}.
Notify that a response was used. A LRU cache, for instance, would update the timestamp the response was last used
-callback put(RequestKey :: request_key(),
    UrlDigest :: url_digest(),
    VaryHeaders :: vary_headers(),
    Response :: http_cache_response(),
    RespMetadata :: response_metadata(),
    Opts :: opts()) ->
       ok | {error, term()}.
Stores a response and associated metadata