View Source HTTPX.Process (HTTPX v0.1.9)

HTTPX process module.

Applies all processors to the HTTPX request.



Optimizes the HTTPX.Process module, unless config :httpx, dynamic: true.

Apply all post parse processors.

Apply all post request processors.

Apply all pre request processors.


@spec optimize() :: :ok

Optimizes the HTTPX.Process module, unless config :httpx, dynamic: true.

The optimization involves optimizing the calls to all processors.

@spec post_parse({:ok, HTTPX.Response.t()}) ::
  {:ok, HTTPX.Response.t()} | {:error, term()}

Apply all post parse processors.

@spec post_request(tuple()) :: tuple()

Apply all post request processors.

@spec pre_request(HTTPX.Request.t()) :: HTTPX.Request.t() | {:error, term()}

Apply all pre request processors.