View Source Hui.Query.MoreLikeThis (Hui v0.11.0)

Struct related to MoreLikeThis query.

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Struct for MoreLikeThis query.

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@type t() :: %Hui.Query.MoreLikeThis{
  boost: boolean(),
  count: number(),
  fl: binary(),
  interestingTerms: binary(),
  "match.include": boolean(),
  "match.offset": number(),
  maxdf: number(),
  maxdfpct: number(),
  maxntp: number(),
  maxqt: number(),
  maxwl: number(),
  mindf: number(),
  mintf: number(),
  minwl: number(),
  mlt: boolean(),
  qf: binary()

Struct for MoreLikeThis query.

Link to this section Functions

@spec new() :: t()
Link to this function

new(fl, count \\ nil, min_tf \\ nil, min_df \\ nil, max_df \\ nil)

View Source
@spec new(binary(), number(), number(), number(), number()) :: t()