Knuth–Liang Hyphenation.
gleam add hyphenation
import gleam/string
import gleam/list
import gleam/io
import hyphenation
import language
pub fn main() {
let word = "hyphenation"
let hyphenator = hyphenation.hyphenator(language.EnglishUS)
hyphenation.hyphenate(word, hyphenator)
|> io.debug
// ["hy", "phen", "ation"]
let text =
"Gleam is a friendly language for building type-safe systems that scale!
The power of a type system, the expressiveness of functional programming,
and the reliability of the highly concurrent, fault tolerant Erlang runtime,
with a familiar and modern syntax."
|> string.split(" ")
|> list.map(hyphenation.hyphenate_delim(_, hyphenator, "‧"))
|> string.join(" ")
|> io.print
// "Gleam is a friendly lan‧guage for build‧ing type‧-safe sys‧tems that scale!
// The power of a type sys‧tem, the ex‧pres‧sive‧ness of func‧tional pro‧gram‧ming,
// and the re‧li‧a‧bil‧ity of the highly con‧cur‧rent, fault tol‧er‧ant Er‧lang run‧time,
// with a fa‧mil‧iar and mod‧ern syn‧tax."
Further documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/hyphenation.
Run download_patterns.sh
to download all TeX patterns.
Then gleam run -m hyphenation/internal/codegen
to update generated gleam files.
Add option to return parts list
Clean up pattern code to use
- Maybe refactor language handling (metadata, codegen)
Incorporate other languages
- Improved codegen for copyright, licenses.
Respect existing hyphens (ex: “compile-time”)
- see: https://github.com/ekmett/hyphenation/issues/16
- Benchmark
implementation to trie for faster lookup
Out of Scope
- Handling punctuation (e.g. .,!?), this library works on the word-level.