Ibanity.Xs2a.Account (ibanity v0.12.0)

Accounts API wrapper

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Deletes an account based on the financial_institution_id and id (e.g. the account id) stored in the Ibanity.Request.

Convenience function to delete an account based on the account_id financial_institution_id given as arguments.

Convenience function to delete an account based on the account_id financial_institution_id given as arguments.

Fetches the financial institution this account belongs to.

Retrieves an account based on the financial_institution_id and id (e.g. the account id) stored in the Ibanity.Request.

Convenience function to retrieve an account based on the account_id financial_institution_id given as arguments.

List all accounts according to the financial_institution_id from the Ibanity.Request.

List accounts for a specific financial institution and account information access request.

Fetches the pending_transactions associated to this account.

Fetches the transactions associated to this account.

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Deletes an account based on the financial_institution_id and id (e.g. the account id) stored in the Ibanity.Request.

Returns {:ok, account} if found, otherwise {:error, reason}



iex> token
...> |> Request.customer_access_token
...> |> Request.id(:financial_institution_id, "e1865795-dfa6-4c61-8f1f-1806957ddbdc")
...> |> Request.id(:id, "060d959f-e784-4a5b-a5ca-30c857ca0371")
...> |> Account.delete
{:ok, %Ibanity.Account{id: "060d959f-e784-4a5b-a5ca-30c857ca0371", ...}}
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delete(account_id, financial_institution_id)

Convenience function to delete an account based on the account_id financial_institution_id given as arguments.

Returns {:ok, account} if found, otherwise {:error, reason}

See delete/1

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delete(request, account_id, financial_institution_id)

Convenience function to delete an account based on the account_id financial_institution_id given as arguments.

Returns {:ok, account} if found, otherwise {:error, reason}

See delete/1

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Fetches the financial institution this account belongs to.


  • {:ok, institution} if successful,
  • nil if no financial institution link was set on the structure
  • {:error, reason} otherwise

Retrieves an account based on the financial_institution_id and id (e.g. the account id) stored in the Ibanity.Request.

Returns {:ok, account} if found, otherwise {:error, reason}



iex> token
...> |> Request.customer_access_token
...> |> Request.id(:financial_institution_id, "e1865795-dfa6-4c61-8f1f-1806957ddbdc")
...> |> Request.id(:id, "060d959f-e784-4a5b-a5ca-30c857ca0371")
...> |> Account.find
{:ok, %Ibanity.Account{id: "060d959f-e784-4a5b-a5ca-30c857ca0371", ...}}
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find(request, account_id, financial_institution_id)

Convenience function to retrieve an account based on the account_id financial_institution_id given as arguments.

Returns {:ok, account} if found, otherwise {:error, reason}

See find/1

List all accounts according to the financial_institution_id from the Ibanity.Request.

If financial_institution_id is nil or is not set, it will list all the accounts. If set it will list accounts for that specific financial institution.



iex> token
...> |> Request.customer_access_token
...> |> Account.list
{:ok, %Ibanity.Collection{items: [...]}}

iex> token
...> |> Request.customer_access_token
...> |> Request.id(:financial_institution_id, "0a089c79-bfef-45e7-b647-a4654e4bff9f")
...> |> Account.list
{:ok, %Ibanity.Collection{items: [...]}}
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list(request, financial_institution_id, account_information_access_request_id)

List accounts for a specific financial institution and account information access request.

Returns {:ok, coll} with coll being an Ibanity.Collection with Ibanity.Xs2a.Account as items, {:error, reason}otherwise



iex> token
...> |> Request.customer_access_token
...> |> Account.list("b031dfe8-ebad-410b-aa77-064f8c876540", "42ebed1a-d890-41d6-b4f2-ac1ef6fd0e32")
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Fetches the pending_transactions associated to this account.


  • {:ok, pending_transactions} if successful, where pending_transactions is an Ibanity.Collection
  • nil if no pending transactions link was set on the structure
  • {:error, reason} otherwise
Link to this function


Fetches the transactions associated to this account.


  • {:ok, transactions} if successful, where transactions is an Ibanity.Collection
  • nil if no transaction link was set on the structure
  • {:error, reason} otherwise