Ibanity.Xs2a.Transaction (ibanity v0.12.0)

Transactions API wrapper

Link to this section Summary


Retrieves a transaction linked to an account belonging to an account, based on its id.

Lists transactions linked to an account belonging to a financial institution.

Link to this section Functions

Retrieves a transaction linked to an account belonging to an account, based on its id.

Returns {:ok, transaction} if successful, {:error, reason} otherwise.



iex> Request.id(:financial_institution_id, "0f88f06c-3cfe-4b8f-9338-69981c0c4632")
...> |> Request.id(:account_id, "ce3893cd-fff5-435a-bdfc-d55a7e98df6f")
...> |> Request.id(:id, "9536e9f2-4ee6-4336-b035-40fc2a0424e4")
...> |> Transaction.find
{:ok, %Ibanity.Xs2a.Transaction{id: "9536e9f2-4ee6-4336-b035-40fc2a0424e4", ...}}

Lists transactions linked to an account belonging to a financial institution.

Returns {:ok, collection} where collection is a Ibanity.Collection where items are of type Ibanity.Xs2a.Transaction.



iex> Request.id(:financial_institution_id, "0f88f06c-3cfe-4b8f-9338-69981c0c4632")
...> |> Request.id(:account_id, "ce3893cd-fff5-435a-bdfc-d55a7e98df6f")
...> |> Transaction.list
{:ok, %Ibanity.Collection{items: [%Ibanity.Transaction{...}], ...}}