View Source Yggdrasil.Config.Icon (ICON 2.0 SDK v0.2.3)

This module defines configuration variables for ICON 2.0 WebSocket connection.

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WebSocket max retries for the backoff algorithm. Defaults to 3.

WebSocket max retries for the backoff algorithm. Defaults to 3.

Preloads all variables in a namespace if supplied.

Puts the value to Yggdrasil.Config.Icon.max_retries/0. Optionally, receives the namespace.

Puts the value to Yggdrasil.Config.Icon.slot_size/0. Optionally, receives the namespace.

Reloads the value for Yggdrasil.Config.Icon.max_retries/0. Optionally, receives the namespace for the variable.

Reloads the value for Yggdrasil.Config.Icon.slot_size/0. Optionally, receives the namespace for the variable.

WebSocket slot size for the backoff algorithm. Defaults to 10.

WebSocket slot size for the backoff algorithm. Defaults to 10.

Creates a template for OS environment variables given a filename. Additionally, it can receive a list of options

Validates that all required variables are present. Returns :ok if they are, raises if they're not.

Validates that all required variables are present. Returns :ok if they are, {:error, errors} if they are not. errors will be a list of all errors encountered while getting required variables.

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max_retries!(namespace \\ nil)

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@spec max_retries!(Skogsra.Env.namespace()) :: integer() | no_return()

WebSocket max retries for the backoff algorithm. Defaults to 3.

The backoff algorithm is exponential:

backoff_time = retries² * random(1, slot) * 1_000ms


iex> Yggdrasil.Config.Icon.max_retries!()

Bang version of Yggdrasil.Config.Icon.max_retries/0 (fails on error). Optionally, receives the namespace for the variable.

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max_retries(namespace \\ nil)

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@spec max_retries(Skogsra.Env.namespace()) :: {:ok, integer()} | {:error, binary()}

WebSocket max retries for the backoff algorithm. Defaults to 3.

The backoff algorithm is exponential:

backoff_time = retries² * random(1, slot) * 1_000ms


iex> Yggdrasil.Config.Icon.max_retries!()

Calling Yggdrasil.Config.Icon.max_retries() will ensure the following:

  • Binding order: [:system, :config]
  • OS environment variable: "YGGDRASIL_ICON_MAX_RETRIES"
  • Type: :integer
  • Default: 3
  • Required: true
  • Cached: true
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preload(namespace \\ nil)

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@spec preload(Skogsra.Env.namespace()) :: :ok

Preloads all variables in a namespace if supplied.

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put_max_retries(value, namespace \\ nil)

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@spec put_max_retries(integer(), Skogsra.Env.namespace()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()}

Puts the value to Yggdrasil.Config.Icon.max_retries/0. Optionally, receives the namespace.

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put_slot_size(value, namespace \\ nil)

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@spec put_slot_size(integer(), Skogsra.Env.namespace()) :: :ok | {:error, binary()}

Puts the value to Yggdrasil.Config.Icon.slot_size/0. Optionally, receives the namespace.

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reload_max_retries(namespace \\ nil)

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@spec reload_max_retries(Skogsra.Env.namespace()) ::
  {:ok, integer()} | {:error, binary()}

Reloads the value for Yggdrasil.Config.Icon.max_retries/0. Optionally, receives the namespace for the variable.

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reload_slot_size(namespace \\ nil)

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@spec reload_slot_size(Skogsra.Env.namespace()) ::
  {:ok, integer()} | {:error, binary()}

Reloads the value for Yggdrasil.Config.Icon.slot_size/0. Optionally, receives the namespace for the variable.

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slot_size!(namespace \\ nil)

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@spec slot_size!(Skogsra.Env.namespace()) :: integer() | no_return()

WebSocket slot size for the backoff algorithm. Defaults to 10.

The backoff algorithm is exponential:

backoff_time = retries² * random(1, slot) * 1_000ms


iex> Yggdrasil.Config.Icon.slot_size!()

Bang version of Yggdrasil.Config.Icon.slot_size/0 (fails on error). Optionally, receives the namespace for the variable.

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slot_size(namespace \\ nil)

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@spec slot_size(Skogsra.Env.namespace()) :: {:ok, integer()} | {:error, binary()}

WebSocket slot size for the backoff algorithm. Defaults to 10.

The backoff algorithm is exponential:

backoff_time = retries² * random(1, slot) * 1_000ms


iex> Yggdrasil.Config.Icon.slot_size!()

Calling Yggdrasil.Config.Icon.slot_size() will ensure the following:

  • Binding order: [:system, :config]
  • OS environment variable: "YGGDRASIL_ICON_SLOT_SIZE"
  • Type: :integer
  • Default: 10
  • Required: true
  • Cached: true
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template(filename, options \\ [])

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@spec template(
) :: :ok | {:error, File.posix()}

Creates a template for OS environment variables given a filename. Additionally, it can receive a list of options:

  • type: What kind of file it will generate (:elixir, :unix, :windows).
  • namespace: Namespace for the variables.
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validate!(namespace \\ nil)

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@spec validate!(Skogsra.Env.namespace()) :: :ok | no_return()

Validates that all required variables are present. Returns :ok if they are, raises if they're not.

It is possible to provide a namespace as argument (defaults to nil).

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validate(namespace \\ nil)

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@spec validate(Skogsra.Env.namespace()) :: :ok | {:error, [binary()]}

Validates that all required variables are present. Returns :ok if they are, {:error, errors} if they are not. errors will be a list of all errors encountered while getting required variables.

It is possible to provide a namespace as argument (defaults to nil).