View Source IdempotencyPlug.Store behaviour (IdempotencyPlug v0.2.1)
Module that defines the store callbacks.
defmodule CustomStore do
@behaviour IdempotencyPlug.Store
@impl true
def setup(options)
@impl true
def lookup(request_id, options)
@impl true
def insert(request_id, fingerprint, data, options)
@impl true
def update(request_id, data, options)
@impl true
def prune(options)
Link to this section Summary
Link to this section Types
@type data() :: term()
@type expires_at() :: DateTime.t()
@type fingerprint() :: binary()
@type options() :: keyword()
@type request_id() :: binary()
Link to this section Callbacks
@callback insert(request_id(), data(), fingerprint(), expires_at(), options()) :: :ok | {:error, term()}
@callback lookup(request_id(), options()) :: {data(), fingerprint(), expires_at()} | :not_found
@callback prune(options()) :: :ok
@callback update(request_id(), data(), expires_at(), options()) :: :ok | {:error, term()}