Idiom.Local (idiom v0.6.8)

Local data provider for Idiom.

Idiom is backend-agnostic and can be used with many different providers. As a backup for when the selected source is unavailable, Idiom loads data from the local file system on startup.

Directory structure

You can set the data directory changing the :data_dir setting Idiom.Local will use as such:

config :idiom, data_dir: "priv/idiom"

Inside that directory, the structure should be as follows:


Where en is the target locale and default and login are namespaces.

File format

The json files expected by Idiom.Local are a subset of the i18next format. The following example shows all of its features that Idiom currently supports.

  "key": "value",
  "keyDeep": {
    "inner": "value"
  "keyInterpolate": "replace this {{value}}",
  "keyPluralSimple_one": "the singular",
  "keyPluralSimple_other": "the plural",
  "keyPluralMultipleEgArabic_zero": "the plural form 0",
  "keyPluralMultipleEgArabic_one": "the plural form 1",
  "keyPluralMultipleEgArabic_two": "the plural form 2",
  "keyPluralMultipleEgArabic_few": "the plural form 3",
  "keyPluralMultipleEgArabic_many": "the plural form 4",
  "keyPluralMultipleEgArabic_other": "the plural form 5",



Parses all local data.


Link to this function

read(opts \\ [])

@spec read(keyword()) :: map()

Parses all local data.