A module for generating Snowflake IDs.
The messages handled by the actor. The actor shouldn’t be called directly so this type is opaque.
pub opaque type Message
pub fn decode(snowflake: Int) -> Result(#(Int, Int, Int), String)
Decodes a Snowflake ID into #(timestamp, machine_id, idx).
pub fn generate(channel: Subject(Message)) -> Int
Generates a Snowflake ID using the given channel.
import ids/snowflake
let assert Ok(channel) = snowflake.start(machine_id: 1)
let id: Int = snowflake.generate(channel)
let discord_epoch = 1_420_070_400_000
let assert Ok(d_channel) = snowflake.start_with_epoch(machine_id: 1, epoch: discord_epoch)
let discord_id: Int = snowflake.generate(d_channel)
pub fn start(machine_id: Int) -> Result(Subject(Message), String)
Starts a Snowflake generator.
pub fn start_with_epoch(
machine_id: Int,
epoch: Int,
) -> Result(Subject(Message), String)
Starts a Snowflake generator with an epoch offset.