
A module for generating Snowflake IDs.


The messages handled by the actor. The actor shouldn’t be called directly so this type is opaque.

pub opaque type Message

The internal state of the actor. The state keeps track of the Snowflake parts.

pub opaque type State


pub fn decode(snowflake: Int) -> Result(#(Int, Int, Int), String)

Decodes a Snowflake ID into #(timestamp, machine_id, idx).

pub fn generate(channel: Subject(Message)) -> Int

Generates a Snowflake ID using the given channel.


import ids/snowflake

let assert Ok(channel) = snowflake.start(machine_id: 1)
let id: Int = snowflake.generate(channel)

let discord_epoch = 1_420_070_400_000 
let assert Ok(d_channel) = snowflake.start_with_epoch(machine_id: 1, epoch: discord_epoch)
let discord_id: Int = snowflake.generate(d_channel)
pub fn start(machine_id: Int) -> Result(Subject(Message), String)

Starts a Snowflake generator.

pub fn start_with_epoch(
  machine_id: Int,
  epoch: Int,
) -> Result(Subject(Message), String)

Starts a Snowflake generator with an epoch offset.

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