IExHistory2 (IExHistory2 v5.4.0)

Improved shell history with variable binding persistance.

  • Saves shell history between VM/shell restarts.
  • Saves the shell variable bindings between VM/shell restarts.
  • Ability to paste (most) terms into the shell (pids, references etc are handled)
  • Navigation keys allow history traversal where multi-line pastes require a single key up/down.
  • Shortcut functions permit search, pasting, re-evaluation and editing of items in history.
  • Editing can be done in-situ or in a text editor.
  • Shell variable bindings can be set/get outside of scope of the shell to assist in application debugging.
  • Can be enabled and state shared globally, or on individual shell sessions.

See section on Initialization and Configuration below.

Short-cut Functions

iex> hl()                     - list the entire history.

iex> hl(val)                  - list `val` entries from the start if val is positive, or from the end if negative.

iex> hl(start, stop)          - list entries between `start` and `stop`.

iex> hs(string)               - list entries that match all or part of the query string.

iex> hsi(string)              - case insensitive list entries that match all or part of the query string.

iex> hsa(string, dist \ 80)  - closest match list of entries, e.g "acr.to_str" == "Macro.to_string"

iex> hx(pos)                  - execute the expression at position `pos`.

iex> hc(pos)                  - copy the expression at position pos to the shell.

iex> he(pos)                  - edit the expression in a text editor.

iex> hb()                     - show the current bindings.

iex> hi()                     - show summary / state

NOTE: To use he/1 the environment variable EDITOR must be set to point to your editor:

export EDITOR="vim"

Navigation Keys

The application uses a different set of keys for navigation, and attempts to present multi-line terms and other items as a single line:

ctrl^u (21)   - move up through history (see below).

ctrl^k (11)   - move down through history (see below).

ctrl^h (08)   - allows the currently displayed item to be modified.

ctrl^l (12)   - opens the currently displayed item in an editor.

ctrl^[ (27)   - reset navigation, returns to the prompt.

Text Editor

To use ctrl^l the environment variable EDITOR must be set to your editor of choice:

export EDITOR=vim

Standard Arrow Keys

If you want to use the regular up / down arrow (and backspace) keys:

  1. Create the following file in your HOME directory:

         #{ normal => #{ "\e[A" => none, "\e[B" => none } }
  2. Set the following environment variable:

     ERL_FLAGS='-config $HOME/.erlang_keymap.config'
  3. Add the following to IExHistory2 configuration:

     standard_arrow_keys: true


     IExHistory2.initialize(standard_arrow_keys: true, ....)
  4. Restart your VM


Simple listing of last 9 items:

iex hl(-9)  
239: 2023-11-28 19:27:13: Ecto.Repo.Registry.lookup(CollectionServer.Server.Repo)
240: 2023-11-28 19:27:27: Ecto.Repo.Registry.lookup(CollectionServer.Server.Repo.ReadOnly1)
241: 2023-11-28 19:30:57: Ecto.Repo.Registry.all_running
242: 2023-11-28 20:55:22: DevHelper.port_stats(peer_port: 5432, statistics: :send_cnt)
243: 2023-11-28 20:55:34: Process.whereis(CSAdmin) |> :sys.get_status()
244: 2023-11-28 20:55:53: Process.get(self())
245: 2023-11-28 20:55:57: Process.get(CSAdmin)
246: 2023-11-29 14:49:21: CollectionServer.Server.Repo.all(q1)
247: 2023-11-29 17:48:21: %CollectionServer.FileSystem.Node{}

Partial match:

iex> hsa("Prcess.")
7: 90% 2023-11-12 16:29:03: c = fn -> {dict, _} =, :dictionary); dict[:request_user] end
8: 90% 2023-11-12 16:29:37: c = fn -> {dict, _} =, :dictionary) end
20: 90% 2023-11-26 16:32:11: Process.get(:yyy)
21: 90% 2023-11-26 22:11:50:,619,0))
208: 90% 2023-11-28 14:19:23: Process.whereis(CollectionServer.Server.ReadOnly1)
209: 90% 2023-11-28 14:19:34: Process.whereis(CollectionServer.Server.ReadOnly1) |>
210: 90% 2023-11-28 14:20:02: Process.whereis(CollectionServer.Server.ReadOnly1) |> |> Keyword.get(:links)
211: 90% 2023-11-28 14:20:14: Process.whereis(CollectionServer.Server.Repo) |> |> Keyword.get(:links)

Special Functions

iex> IExHistory2.add_binding(var, val)

iex> IExHistory2.get_binding(var)

iex> IExHistory2.clear_history()

iex> IExHistory2.clear_bindings()

The functions IExHistory2.add_binding/2 and IExHistory2.get_binding/1 allows variables that are bound in the shell to be accessible in an external module that has been loaded into the shell and vice versa.

defmodule VarTest do      
  def get_me(val) do
    if IExHistory2.get_binding(:path_to_use) == :path1 do
      result = val + 100
      IExHistory2.add_binding(:result_var, %{path: :path1, result: result})
      result = val + 200
      IExHistory2.add_binding(:result_var, %{path: :path2, result: result})

iex> path_to_use = :path1
iex> VarTest.get_me(50)
iex> result_var
%{path: :path1, result: 150}

iex> path_to_use = :path2
iex> VarTest.get_me(50)
iex> result_var
%{path: :path2, result: 250}

The complimentary functions add_binding/3 and get_binding/2 that take a shell pid or registered name allowing the user to debug applications.

defmodule VarTest do
  def get_me(val) do
    if IExHistory2.get_binding(:path_to_use, :myshell) == :path1 do
      result = val + 100
      IExHistory2.add_binding(:result_var, %{path: :path1, result: result}, :myshell)
      result = val + 200
      IExHistory2.add_binding(:result_var, %{path: :path2, result: result}, :myshell)

iex> spawn(fn -> VarTest.get_me(100) end)
%{path: :path2, result: 300}
iex> result_var
%{path: :path2, result: 300}

See also IExHistory2.register/1.


The following options can be set either as a keyword list in .iex.exs (a sample file is included in the github repository):

  colors: [
    index: :red,
    date: :green,
    command: :yellow,
    label: :red,
    variable: :green,
    binding: :cyan
  command_display_width: 150,
  hide_history_commands: true,
  history_limit: :infinity,
  import: true,
  key_buffer_history: true,
  navigation_keys: [
    up: 21,
    down: 11,
    editor: 12,
    modify: 8,
    abandon: 27,
    enter: 13
  standard_arrow_keys: false,
  paste_eval_regex: ["#Reference", "#PID", "#Function", "#Ecto.Schema.Metadata", "#Port"],
  prepend_identifiers: true,
  save_bindings: true,
  save_invalid_results: false,
  scope: :local,
  show_date: true

Or in config/runtime.exs:

config :your_app, IExHistory2,
  scope: :local,
  history_limit: :infinity,
  paste_eval_regex: [],
  import: true,


To import short-cut functions set import: to true.

import: true

One issue with the current shell is the inconsistent ability to paste large terms into the shell. Types such as process ids and references (#PID<0.1234.0>) cause the evaluator to fail. IExHistory2 will attempt to recognize and parse such terms during evaluation.

Currently process ids, references, anonymous functions, ports and #Ecto.Schema.Metadata are supported by default. Additional terms can be added:

paste_eval_regex: ["#SpecialItem1", "#NewObject"]

This toggle true/false for calls to IExHistory2.* (and imports) from been saved.

hide_history_commands: true 

If set to false, the default, commands that were evaluated incorrectly will not be saved.

save_invalid_results: false 

If set to true will allow the user to scroll up (ctrl+u) or down (ctrl+k) through history.

key_buffer_history: true

Unlike the standard up/down arrow history where the up-arrow key has to be pressed multiple times to traverse a large term, IExHistory2 only requires a single up/down key, and the entire term can then be edited.

The default navigation keys are defined above, but can be changed to any reasonable value. Please be aware that certain key are reserved by the runtime and can not be used. The values should be set to decimal, the example below sets opening the editor from ctrl^l to ctrl^e

navigation_keys: [editor: 5]

To use standard up/down arrow keys (see Navigation Keys above) set:

standard_arrow_keys: true

If this is enabled it will prepend identifiers when a call to x = hx(val) is issued.

prepend_identifiers: true

Example, enabled:

iex> time = Time.utc_now().second
iex> new_time = hx(1)

iex> new_time
22                  # New time is assigned to variable time
iex> time
13                  # However, the original date variable is unchanged

iex> hl()
1: 2021-09-01 17:13:13: time = Time.utc_now().second
2: 2021-09-01 17:13:22: new_time =  time = Time.utc_now().second    # We see the binding to new_time


iex> time = Time.utc_now().second
iex> new_time = hx(1)

iex> new_time       # New time is assigned to variable time
iex> time
50                  # However, this time the original time variable has also changed

iex> hl()
1: 2021-09-01 17:17:43: time = Time.utc_now().second
2: 2021-09-01 17:17:50: time = Time.utc_now().second      # We do not see the binding to new_time

scope: can be one of :local, :globalor a node name

  • :local (the default) history will be active on all shells, even those that are remotely connected, but the history for each shell will be unique.

  • node_namei.e. (e.g. :mgr@localhost) history will only be active on that shell.

  • :global history will be shared between all shells. However the saving of variable bindings will be disabled.


Using .iex.exs

It is recommended to configure and start using .iex.exs, for example:

IExHistory2.initialize(history_limit: :infinity,
                       scope: :local, 
                       paste_eval_regex: ["#Extra"], 
                       show_date: true, 
                       colors: [index: :red])

As part of another application

Add to mix.exs as a dependency:

{:iex_history2, "~> 5.3"}


{:iex_history2, github: "nhpip/iex_history2", tag: "5.3.0"},

Add the configuration to your application config/runtime.exs. For example:

config :iex_history2,
  history_limit: 1234,
  import: true,
  scope: :local, 
  paste_eval_regex: ["#Extra"], 
  show_date: true, 
  colors: [index: :red]

When you connect your shell call IExHistory2.initialize/0 (in .iex.exs or as a standalone call):




Same as add_binding/2, but name is the registered name of a shell.

Clears the history and bindings. If scope is :global the IEx session needs restarting for the changes to take effect.

Clears the bindings.

Clears the history only. If scope is :global the IEx session needs restarting for the changes to take effect. If a value is passed it will clear that many history entries from start, otherwise the entire history is cleared.

Displays the current configuration.

Allows the following options to be changed, but not saved

Displays the default configuration.

The functions IExHistory2.add_binding/2 and IExHistory2.get_binding/1 allows variables that are bound in the shell to be accessible in a module and vice-versa.

Same as get_binding/2, but name is the registered name of your shell. Useful for debugging applications.

Returns the current shell bindings as a keyword list.

Show the variable bindings.

Copies the command at index 'i' and pastes it to the shell.

Displays the current state

Displays the entire history.

Displays the entire history from the most recent entry back (negative number), or from the oldest entry forward (positive number)

Specify a range.

Returns the list of expressions where all or part of the string matches.

Like hsa/1 a case insensitive search, but also adds a closeness element to the search.

A case insensitive search the list of expressions where all or part of the string matches.

Invokes the command at index 'i'.

Initializes the IExHistory2 app. Takes the following parameters

Returns true or false depending on if history is enabled.

Registers the shell under the name provided.

Clears the history and bindings then stops the service. If scope is :global the IEx session needs restarting for the changes to take effect.

Unbinds a variable or list of variables (specify variables as atoms, e.g. foo becomes :foo).


Link to this function

add_binding(var, value)

@spec add_binding(atom() | String.t(), any()) :: :ok

See IExHistory2.get_binding/1.

defmodule VarTest do
  def set_me(var) do
    var = var * 2
    IExHistory2.add_binding(:test_var, var)
    var + 100

iex> VarTest.set_me(7)

iex> test_var

The variable can be represented as an atom or string.

Link to this function

add_binding(var, value, name)

@spec add_binding(atom() | String.t(), any(), atom() | pid()) :: :ok

Same as add_binding/2, but name is the registered name of a shell.

See also register/1 and get_binding/2

Clears the history and bindings. If scope is :global the IEx session needs restarting for the changes to take effect.

Link to this function


Clears the bindings.

Link to this function

clear_history(val \\ :all)

Clears the history only. If scope is :global the IEx session needs restarting for the changes to take effect. If a value is passed it will clear that many history entries from start, otherwise the entire history is cleared.

Link to this function


Displays the current configuration.

Link to this function

configure(kry, val)

@spec configure(atom(), any()) :: atom()

Allows the following options to be changed, but not saved:



IExHistory2.configure(:colors, [index: :blue])
IExHistory2.configure(:prepend_identifiers, true)
Link to this function


Displays the default configuration.

Link to this function


@spec get_binding(atom() | String.t()) :: any()

The functions IExHistory2.add_binding/2 and IExHistory2.get_binding/1 allows variables that are bound in the shell to be accessible in a module and vice-versa.

In this example the module was pasted into the shell.

defmodule VarTest do
  def get_me(val) do
    if IExHistory2.get_binding(:path_to_use) == :path1 do
      val + 100
      val + 200

iex> path_to_use = :path1
iex> VarTest.get_me(50)
iex> path_to_use = :path2
iex> VarTest.get_me(50)

The variable can be represented as an atom or string.

Link to this function

get_binding(var, name)

@spec get_binding(atom() | String.t(), atom() | pid()) :: any()

Same as get_binding/2, but name is the registered name of your shell. Useful for debugging applications.

defmodule VarTest do
  def get_me(val) do
    if IExHistory2.get_binding(:path_to_use, :myshell) == :path1 do
      result = val + 100
      IExHistory2.add_binding(:result_var, %{path: :path1, result: result}, :myshell)
      result = val + 200
      IExHistory2.add_binding(:result_var, %{path: :path2, result: result}, :myshell)

iex> IExHistory2.register(:myshell)
iex> spawn(fn -> VarTest.get_me(100) end)
%{path: :path2, result: 300}
iex> result_var
%{path: :path2, result: 300}

See also IExHistory2.register/1.

Returns the current shell bindings as a keyword list.

Show the variable bindings.

@spec hc(integer()) :: any()

Copies the command at index 'i' and pastes it to the shell.

@spec he(integer()) :: any()

Displays the current state:

IExHistory2 version 5.3 is enabled:
  Current history is 199 commands in size.
  Current bindings are 153 variables in size.

Displays the entire history.

@spec hl(integer()) :: nil

Displays the entire history from the most recent entry back (negative number), or from the oldest entry forward (positive number)

Link to this function

hl(start, stop)

@spec hl(integer(), integer()) :: nil

Specify a range.

iex> hl(10, 15)

@spec hs(String.t()) :: nil

Returns the list of expressions where all or part of the string matches.

The original expression does not need to be a string.

Link to this function

hsa(match, closeness \\ 80)

@spec hsa(String.t(), integer()) :: nil

Like hsa/1 a case insensitive search, but also adds a closeness element to the search.

It uses a combination of Myers Difference and Jaro Distance to get close to a match. The estimated closeness is indicated in the result with a default range of > 80%. This can be set by the user.

For large histories this command may take several seconds.

The original expression does not need to be a string.

iex> hsa("get_stte")
446: 92% 2024-02-04 23:27:16: :sys.get_state(Process.whereis(IExHistory2.Events.Server))
465: 92% 2024-02-05 00:57:04: :sys.get_state(Process.whereis(IExHistory2.Events.Server))
467: 92% 2024-02-05 00:57:38: :sys.get_state(Process.whereis(IExHistory2.Events.Server))
468: 92% 2024-02-05 00:58:25: :sys.get_state(Process.whereis(IExHistory2.Events.Server))
470: 92% 2024-02-05 00:59:17: :sys.get_state(Process.whereis(Server))
30: 83% 2024-02-03 20:22:41: :code.get_object_code(Types.UUID)
@spec hsi(String.t()) :: nil

A case insensitive search the list of expressions where all or part of the string matches.

The original expression does not need to be a string.

@spec hx(integer()) :: any()

Invokes the command at index 'i'.

Link to this function

initialize(config_or_filename \\ [])

@spec initialize(list()) :: list() | atom()

Initializes the IExHistory2 app. Takes the following parameters:


scope: :local,
history_limit: :infinity,
hide_history_commands: true,
prepend_identifiers: true,
key_buffer_history: true,
command_display_width: :int,
save_invalid_results: false,
show_date: true,
import: true,
paste_eval_regex: [],
navigation_keys: [up: 21, down: 11, ...],
standard_arrow_keys: false,
save_bindings: true,
colors: [
  index: :red,
  date: :green,
  command: :yellow,
  label: :red,
  variable: :green


Alternatively a filename can be given that was saved with IExHistory2.save_config()

scope can be one of :local, :global or a node() name

Returns true or false depending on if history is enabled.

@spec register(atom()) :: :ok

Registers the shell under the name provided.

Link to this function

start(config \\ default_config())

@spec start(list()) :: {:ok, pid()}

Clears the history and bindings then stops the service. If scope is :global the IEx session needs restarting for the changes to take effect.

Unbinds a variable or list of variables (specify variables as atoms, e.g. foo becomes :foo).