imagineer v0.3.3 Imagineer.Image.PNG.Filter.Basic.Paeth View Source
Link to this section Summary
The Paeth prediction is calculated as left + above - upper_left
This function returns the value nearest to the Paeth prediction, breaking ties
in the order of left, above, upper_left
Takes in the uncompressed binary representation of a row, the unfiltered row row above it, and the number of bytes per pixel. Decodes according to the Paeth filter
Link to this section Functions
The Paeth prediction is calculated as left + above - upper_left
This function returns the value nearest to the Paeth prediction, breaking ties
in the order of left, above, upper_left.
For more information, see the PNG documentation for the [Paeth filter type] (
iex> Imagineer.Image.PNG.Filter.Basic.Paeth.predictor(37, 84, 1)
iex> Imagineer.Image.PNG.Filter.Basic.Paeth.predictor(118, 128, 125)
iex> Imagineer.Image.PNG.Filter.Basic.Paeth.predictor(37, 84, 61)
Takes in the uncompressed binary representation of a row, the unfiltered row row above it, and the number of bytes per pixel. Decodes according to the Paeth filter.
For more information, see the PNG documentation for the [Paeth filter type] (
iex> unfiltered_prior_row = <<18, 39, 117, 39, 201, 7>>
iex> filtered_row = <<86, 5, 226, 185, 146, 181>>
iex> Imagineer.Image.PNG.Filter.Basic.Paeth.unfilter(filtered_row, unfiltered_prior_row, 3)
<<104, 44, 87, 33, 91, 188>>
iex> unfiltered_prior_row = <<18, 39, 117, 39, 201, 7>>
iex> filtered_row = <<86, 5, 226, 245, 146, 181>>
iex> Imagineer.Image.PNG.Filter.Basic.Paeth.unfilter(filtered_row, unfiltered_prior_row, 2)
<<104, 44, 87, 33, 91, 188>>