View Source Imgproxy (imgproxy v3.0.2)

Imgproxy generates urls for use with an imgproxy server.



A number of pixels to be used as a dimension.

Provide type and enlarge configuration arguments to a resize option.



Crop an image to the given width and height.

Generate a new Imgproxy.t/0 struct for the given image source URL to fetch the Info Endpoint.

Generate a new Imgproxy.t/0 struct for the given image source URL.

Resize an image to the given width and height.

Set the file extension (which will produce an image of that type).

Generate an imgproxy URL.


@type dimension() :: float() | integer() | String.t()

A number of pixels to be used as a dimension.

@type resize_opts() :: [type: String.t(), enlarge: boolean()]

Provide type and enlarge configuration arguments to a resize option.

@type t() :: %Imgproxy{
  endpoint: String.t(),
  extension: nil | String.t(),
  key: nil | String.t(),
  options: keyword(list()),
  prefix: nil | String.t(),
  salt: nil | String.t(),
  source_url: nil | String.t()


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add_option(img, name, args)

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@spec add_option(t(), atom(), list()) :: t()

Add a formatting option to the Imgproxy.t/0.

For instance, to add the padding option with a 10px padding on all sides, you can use:

iex> img ="")
iex> Imgproxy.add_option(img, :padding, [10, 10, 10, 10]) |> to_string()
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crop(img, width, height, gravity \\ "ce:0:0")

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@spec crop(t(), dimension(), dimension(), String.t()) :: t()

Crop an image to the given width and height.

Accepts an optional gravity parameter, by default it is "ce:0:0" for center gravity with no offset.

@spec info_new(String.t()) :: t()

Generate a new Imgproxy.t/0 struct for the given image source URL to fetch the Info Endpoint.

@spec new(String.t()) :: t()

Generate a new Imgproxy.t/0 struct for the given image source URL.

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resize(img, width, height, opts \\ [])

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@spec resize(t(), dimension(), dimension(), resize_opts()) :: t()

Resize an image to the given width and height.

Options include:

  • type: "fit" (default), "fill", or "auto"
  • enlarge: enlarge if necessary (false by default)
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set_extension(img, extension)

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@spec set_extension(t(), String.t()) :: t()

Set the file extension (which will produce an image of that type).

For instance, setting the extension to "png" will result in a PNG being created:

iex> img ="")
iex> Imgproxy.set_extension(img, "png") |> to_string()
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set_gravity(img, type, xoffset \\ 0, yoffset \\ 0)

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@spec set_gravity(t(), atom(), dimension(), dimension()) :: t()

Set the gravity option.

@spec to_string(t()) :: String.t()

Generate an imgproxy URL.


iex> Imgproxy.to_string(""))