A dictionary of keys and values that follows the least recently updated cache replacement policy.
Any type can be used for the keys and values of a dict, but all the keys must be of the same type and all the values must be of the same type.
There is no guarantee of ordering of the collection.
pub opaque type LruCache(k, v)
pub fn clear(c: LruCache(a, b)) -> LruCache(a, b)
Clear all entries in the cache.
The max
of the cache is reused.
let c =
|> set("1", "a")
|> set("2", "b")
|> set("3", "c")
let is_mem = has(c, "3")
// is_mem == True
let c = clear(c)
let is_mem = has(c, "3")
// is_mem == False
pub fn get(
c: LruCache(a, b),
key: a,
) -> Result(#(LruCache(a, b), b), Nil)
Retrieve a value from the cache as a Result
Returns a tuple to allow for further reads from the updated cache
let c =
|> set("a", 1)
|> set("b", 2)
|> set("c", 3)
let #(c, val) = {
case get(c, "a") {
Ok(pairs) -> pairs
Error(_) -> panic as "whoops"
let t = val == 1
// t == True
pub fn get_exn(c: LruCache(a, b), key: a) -> #(LruCache(a, b), b)
Retrieve a value from the cache or panic
Returns a tuple to allow for further reads from the updated cache
let c =
|> set("a", 1)
|> set("b", 2)
|> set("c", 3)
let #(c, val) = get_exn(c, "a")
let t = val == 1
// t == True
pub fn has(c: LruCache(a, b), key: a) -> Bool
Check for membership in the cache
|> set("a", 1)
|> set("b", 2)
|> has("b")
// -> True
pub fn new(max: Int) -> LruCache(a, b)
Creates a new empty cache that will have at most 2n entries and will be immutably updated with the LRU policy.
let c =
|> set("a", 1)
|> set("b", 2)
|> set("c", 3)
let #(c, val) = {
case get(c, "a") {
Ok(pairs) -> pairs
Error(_) -> panic as "whoops"
let t = val == 1
// t == True