Indicado.MFI (Indicado v0.0.4) View Source

This is the MFI module used for calculating Money Flow Index

Link to this section Summary


The argument passed to eval functions should be a list of mfi_data_map type.


Calculates MFI for the list. It needs list of mfi_data_map and lenght of list should be at least 1 higher then period.

Calculates MFI for the list. It needs list of mfi_data_map and lenght of list should be at least 1 higher then period.

Link to this section Types


mfi_data_map() :: %{
  low: float(),
  high: float(),
  close: float(),
  volume: float()

The argument passed to eval functions should be a list of mfi_data_map type.

Link to this section Functions


eval([mfi_data_map(), ...], pos_integer()) ::
  {:ok, [float(), ...] | {:error, atom()}}

Calculates MFI for the list. It needs list of mfi_data_map and lenght of list should be at least 1 higher then period.

Returns {:ok, mfi_list} or {:error, reason}


iex> Indicado.MFI.eval([%{low: 1, high: 3, close: 2, volume: 1}, %{low: 2, high: 4, close: 3, volume: 2}, %{low: 1, high: 2, close: 2, volume: 5}, %{low: 3, high: 5, close: 4, volume: 1}], 2)
{:ok, [41.860465116279066, 32.432432432432435]}

iex> Indicado.MFI.eval([%{low: 2, high: 4, close: 4, volume: 1}, %{low: 2, high: 5, close: 3, volume: 5}, %{low: 5, high: 8, close: 5, volume: 5}, %{low: 3, high: 5, close: 5, volume: 3}, %{low: 1, high: 3, close: 2, volume: 10}], 3)
{:ok, [69.76744186046511, 47.61904761904762]}

iex> Indicado.MFI.eval([%{low: 1, high: 3, close: 2, volume: 1}, %{low: 2, high: 4, close: 3, volume: 2}, %{low: 1, high: 2, close: 2, volume: 5}, %{low: 3, high: 5, close: 4, volume: 1}], 5)
{:error, :not_enough_data}

iex> Indicado.MFI.eval([%{low: 1, high: 3, close: 2, volume: 1}, %{low: 2, high: 4, close: 3, volume: 2}, %{low: 1, high: 2, close: 2, volume: 5}, %{low: 3, high: 5, close: 4, volume: 1}], 0)
{:error, :bad_period}


eval!([mfi_data_map(), ...], pos_integer()) :: [float(), ...] | no_return()

Calculates MFI for the list. It needs list of mfi_data_map and lenght of list should be at least 1 higher then period.

Raises NotEnoughDataError if the given list is not longh enough for calculating MFI. Raises BadPeriodError if period is an unacceptable number.


iex> Indicado.MFI.eval!([%{low: 1, high: 3, close: 2, volume: 1}, %{low: 2, high: 4, close: 3, volume: 2}, %{low: 1, high: 2, close: 2, volume: 5}, %{low: 3, high: 5, close: 4, volume: 1}], 2)
[41.860465116279066, 32.432432432432435]

iex> Indicado.MFI.eval!([%{low: 1, high: 3, close: 2, volume: 1}, %{low: 2, high: 4, close: 3, volume: 2}, %{low: 1, high: 2, close: 2, volume: 5}, %{low: 3, high: 5, close: 4, volume: 1}], 5)
** (NotEnoughDataError) not enough data

iex> Indicado.MFI.eval!([%{low: 1, high: 3, close: 2, volume: 1}, %{low: 2, high: 4, close: 3, volume: 2}, %{low: 1, high: 2, close: 2, volume: 5}, %{low: 3, high: 5, close: 4, volume: 1}], 0)
** (BadPeriodError) bad period