API Reference IndieWeb v0.0.66


The IndieWeb is a people-focused alternative to the "corporate web".

High-level abstraction for application info resolution.

Provides serialized information about an application.

Provides logic for handling IndieAuth interactions.

Handles authentication codes for the IndieAuth flow.

Provides an abstraction regarding code actions for IndieAuth.

Provides a implementation of the stateful parts of IndieAuth.

Provides a implementation of the stateful parts of IndieAuth.

Provides a implementation of the token-centric parts of IndieAuth.

Handles scope information and referencing for the IndieAuth flow.

Provides an abstraction regarding code actions for IndieAuth.

Manages the token lifecycle for IndieAuth.

Provides an abstraction regarding code actions for IndieAuth.

Provides the generic interface for handling caching logic for the IndieWeb library.

Interface presenting the adapter for caching values.

Wraps logic for using Cachex as the caching mechanism in IndieWeb.

Extracts the representative h-card of the provided URI.

Defines an error obtained when making a network request.

Defines a response obtained when making a network request.

An interface for obtaining link relationships for a URL.

General purpose Microfrmats2 methods for IndieWeb use.

Remote interactivity with Web resources.

Post-specific logic for the IndieWeb.

General facilities around Webmentions.

Facility for handling URI generation of Webmention logic.

Handles the verification flow of a vouch.