Inflex v2.1.0 Inflex View Source
Link to this section Summary
Camelizes or pascalizes strings and atoms to upper-case CamelCase.
Camelizes or pascalizes strings and atoms.
Inflect on the plurality of a word given some count.
Converts an integer to a ordinal value.
Parameterize a string using a hyphen (-
) separator. If you want to return
as only ascii characters, use parameterize_to_ascii/2
Parameterize a string given some separator. If you want to return
as only ascii characters, use parameterize_to_ascii/2
Parameterize a string using a hyphen (-
) separator, returning
only ascii characters.
Parameterize a string given some separator, returning only ascii characters.
Pluralize a word.
Singularize a word.
Underscore and lowercase a string.
Link to this section Functions
Camelizes or pascalizes strings and atoms to upper-case CamelCase.
iex> Inflex.camelize(:upper_camel_case)
Camelizes or pascalizes strings and atoms.
- Lower-cases the first letter.
iex> Inflex.camelize("pascal-case", :lower)
Inflect on the plurality of a word given some count.
iex> Inflex.inflect("child", 1)
iex> Inflex.inflect("child", 2)
Converts an integer to a ordinal value.
iex> Inflex.ordinalize(1)
iex> Inflex.ordinalize(11)
Parameterize a string using a hyphen (-
) separator. If you want to return
as only ascii characters, use parameterize_to_ascii/2
iex> Inflex.parameterize("String for parameter")
Parameterize a string given some separator. If you want to return
as only ascii characters, use parameterize_to_ascii/2
The option
argument is a string representing the character that
will be used as the separator.
iex> Inflex.parameterize("String with underscore", "_")
Parameterize a string using a hyphen (-
) separator, returning
only ascii characters.
iex> Inflex.parameterize_to_ascii("String for parameter 😎")
Parameterize a string given some separator, returning only ascii characters.
The option
argument is a string representing the character that
will be used as the separator.
iex> Inflex.parameterize_to_ascii("String with underscore 😎", "_")
Pluralize a word.
iex> Inflex.pluralize("dog")
iex> Inflex.pluralize("person")
Singularize a word.
iex> Inflex.singularize("dogs")
iex> Inflex.singularize("people")
Underscore and lowercase a string.
iex> Inflex.underscore("UpperCamelCase")
iex> Inflex.underscore(:pascalCase)