View Source Infusionsoft (Infusionsoft v0.8.1)
Main module for interacting with Infusionsoft, start here!
If you want to access the XML-RPC API or the REST API without the caching and conveniences,
you can use the other modules like Infusionsoft.Endpoints.XML
and Infusionsoft.Endpoints.REST
outlined in the documentation.
One important thing to note is that if you have multiple custom fields with the same name, even if the capitalization is different, things may not work the way you expect.
The same is true for tags. If you need to support tags with the same name in different categories, you can provide the category name as an option in all tag calls. However, if you have multiple tags in the same category with the same name, things may not work the way you expect.
Achieves a goal for a contact, with a specific integration name and call name.
Creates a contact record in Infusionsoft without doing a dupe check.
Fetches all contact records, returning all fields and custom fields (very expensive).
Gets all of the records from a table in Infusionsoft.
Retrieves a contact record from Infusionsoft.
Updates a contact record from Infusionsoft.
@spec achieve_goal(integer(), String.t(), String.t(), String.t(), nil | String.t()) :: {:ok, list()} | {:error, String.t()}
Achieves a goal for a contact, with a specific integration name and call name.
iex> Infusionsoft.achieve_goal(12345, "test_token")
{:ok, [...]}
Creates a contact record in Infusionsoft without doing a dupe check.
iex> Infusionsoft.create_contact(%{"First Name" => "Damon"}, "test_token")
{:ok, 12345}
Fetches all contact records, returning all fields and custom fields (very expensive).
Currently this function does not support more than 1000 contacts, so if your app has more
please use query_table/6
which can return an unlimited number.
Use query_table/6
for more granular control over which fields are returned.
iex> Infusionsoft.list_contacts("test_token")
{:ok, [%{"Id" => 12345}, %{"Id" => 67890}]}
@spec query_table( map(), String.t(), [String.t()], String.t(), nil | String.t(), keyword() ) :: {:ok, list()} | {:error, binary()}
Gets all of the records from a table in Infusionsoft.
See the available tables here:
Available options for opts
order_by - defualts to Id
ascending - defaults to false
iex> Infusionsoft.query_table(%{"First Name" => "Damon"}, "Contact", ["Id"], "test_token", nil)
{:ok, [%{"Id" => 12345}, %{"Id" => 67890}]}
@spec retrieve_contact(integer(), [String.t()], String.t(), nil | String.t()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, String.t()}
Retrieves a contact record from Infusionsoft.
iex> Infusionsoft.retrieve_contact(12345, ["First Name", "Last Name"], "test_token")
{:ok, %{"First Name" => "Damon", "Last Name" => "Janis"}}
@spec update_contact(integer(), map(), String.t(), nil | String.t()) :: {:ok, integer()} | {:error, String.t()}
Updates a contact record from Infusionsoft.
iex> Infusionsoft.update_contact(12345, %{"Nickname" => "Dame"}, "test_token")
{:ok, 12345}