Module inotify

Application that monitors files via Linux inotify.

Behaviours: application, supervisor.

This module defines the inotify behaviour.
Required callback functions: inotify_event/3.


Application that monitors files via Linux inotify. A user can tell inotify to watch/2 for specific events on several files/directories. To actually get any events the User must call add_handler/3.

To unwatch/1 something the User must pass the return value of watch/2 which is a unique reference to the monitor create by watch/2.

This module also defines a behaviour, with a single function inotify_event(Arg, EventRef, Msg)

A callback for file monitoring event handler added by add_handler/3.

Arg is the user provided extra argument.

EventRef is the value returned by watch/2.

The Msg parameter of the callback function should be pattern-matched with the macro ?inotify_msg(Mask, Cookie, OptionalName) contained in include/inotify.hrl.

Mask is a list of atoms describing the nature of the event. Refer to the Linux inotify man page for a detailed description.

Cookie is 0 except when a file is moved, where it is used to identify move_from and move_to events belonging to the same move-operation.

OptionalName contains the relative file name when monitoring whole directories. E.g. when monitoring "/tmp" the following event might be created when opening "/tmp/xxx": ?inotify_msg([open], 0, "xxx").

Data Types



The type of a file monitoring event.


msg() = '?inotify_msg'

Function Index

add_handler/3 Add an event handler that receives all events generated by a file monitor identified by a tag that was passed to inotify:watch/2.
inotify_event/3 This module actually implements the inotify_evt behaviour, with a function that simply prints the events to stdout.
print_events/1 Add an event handler that prints to stdout events.
unwatch/1 Remove a monitor added via watch/2, Ref identifies the monitor.
watch/1 Add or modify a file/directory monitor for all file events.
watch/2 Add or modify a file/directory monitor for specific events.

Function Details


add_handler(Ref::reference(), Module::module(), Arg::term()) -> ok

Add an event handler that receives all events generated by a file monitor identified by a tag that was passed to inotify:watch/2. When an event occurs for Ref the handler will call Module:inotify_event(Arg, EventTag, Msg) as defined by the callback definition in inotify_event/3.


inotify_event(X1, Ref, X3) -> any()

This module actually implements the inotify_evt behaviour, with a function that simply prints the events to stdout.

This function can be used as an example for how to implement a callback.

See also: print_events/1.


print_events(Ref::reference()) -> ok

Add an event handler that prints to stdout events. The events to print are identified by a reference returned by watch/2.


unwatch(Ref::reference()) -> ok

Remove a monitor added via watch/2, Ref identifies the monitor.


watch(File::string()) -> reference()

Add or modify a file/directory monitor for all file events. Events for the file/directory will be published via a inotify_evt. The events resulting from this call will be identified by the unique reference returned by this function, no matter if the operation was successful or not.

This reference must also be passed to unwatch/1.

See also: inotify:add_handler/3, inotify:unwatch/1.


watch(File::string(), Mask::mask() | [mask()]) -> reference()

Add or modify a file/directory monitor for specific events. This differs from watch/1 by the additional mask argument. Calling watch/1 is equivalant to calling watch/2 with ?ALL as second parameter.

See also: inotify:watch/1.

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