Inspecto (inspecto v0.4.0)
is a utility for inspecting Ecto schemas to view their field names,
data types, and default values.
Ecto schema modules do not contain full information about your database schemas: they only contain enough information to act as a viable intermediary for the Elixir layer. You cannot, for example, know character length limits or input constraints by merely inspecting Ecto schemas. Although Ecto migrations contain a lot more of this information, they too aren't great for the purpose because migrations are additive with changes spread out over time, and importantly, there's not requirement that a database be defined via migrations.
The expected usage of this package is to call Inspecto.summarize/2
from within
a @moduledoc
tag somewhere inside your app, wherever you wish a summary of
your Ecto schemas to appear, e.g. something like this:
defmodule MyApp.MyModel do
@moduledoc """
Here is a summary of my Ecto schemas:
#{ MyApp.MyModel |> Inspecto.modules() |> Inspecto.summarize(format: :html)}
This will render a series of HTML tables at compile-time.
When you call a function from inside a @moduledoc
tag, it is evaluated
at compile-time. Inspecto
should filter out problems and avoid raising
errors, but if it generates a problem for any reason, be aware that you may
need to remove any calls to its functions from your @moduledoc
This is a convenience function which retrieves a list of modules in the given "namespace". This is a useful way of gathering up modules that define Ecto schemas.
Summarizes the given Ecto schema modules using the format provided.
This is a convenience function which retrieves a list of modules in the given "namespace". This is a useful way of gathering up modules that define Ecto schemas.
iex> Inspecto.modules(MyApp)
[MyApp.Foo, MyApp.Bar, ...]
@spec summarize(modules :: [module()], opts :: Keyword.t()) :: String.t() | [Inspecto.Schema.t()]
Summarizes the given Ecto schema modules using the format provided.
It is necessary to supply a list of modules.
controls the format of the output. Supported values::html
controls the heading level used for each schema (3
corresponds to anh3
tag). This is only relevant when:format
is set to:html
. Default:2
The :raw
format returns information as a list of Inspecto.Schema
The :html
format returns information as an HTML table. This is suitable for
use inside a @moduledoc
Other formats may be supported in the future (e.g. Mermaid JS, but it's not yet compatible with how documentation generation strips out newlines).
iex> MyApp.Schemas |> Inspecto.modules() |> Inspecto.summarize(format: :raw)
fields: [
%Inspecto.Schema.Field{default: nil, name: :id, type: :binary_id},
%Inspecto.Schema.Field{default: nil, name: :meta, type: :map},
%Inspecto.Schema.Field{default: 30, name: :net, type: :integer},
# ...
primary_key: [:id],
source: "some_table"
# ...