View Source Instream.Series behaviour (Instream v2.2.1)


Series Definition

Series definitions can be used to have a fixed structured usable for reading and writing data to an InfluxDB server:

defmodule MySeries.CPULoad do
  use Instream.Series

  series do
    measurement "cpu_load"

    tag :host, default: "www"
    tag :core

    field :value, default: 100
    field :value_desc

The macros tag/2 and field/2 both accept a keyword tuple with a :default entry. This value will be pre-assigned when using the data struct with all other fields or tags being set to nil.



Each of your series definitions will register three separate structs.

Based on the aforementioned MySeries.CPULoad you will have access to the following structs:

  fields: %MySeries.CPULoad.Fields{value: 100, value_desc: nil},
  tags: %MySeries.CPULoad.Tags{host: "www", core: nil},
  timestamp: nil

:timestamp is expected to be either a unix nanosecond or an RFC3339 timestamp.


Compile-Time Series Validation

Defining a series triggers a validation function during compilation.

This validation for example prevents the usage of a field and tag sharing the same name. Some internal keys like :time will also raise an ArgumentError during compilation.

You can deactivate this compile time validation by passing skip_validation: true in your series module:

defmodule MySeries.ConflictButAccepted do
  use Instream.Series, skip_validation: true

  series do
    tag :conflict
    field :conflict

Validations performed:

  • having use Instream.Series requires also calling series do .. end
  • a measurement must be defined
  • at least one field must be defined
  • fields and tags must not share a name
  • the names :_field, :_measurement, and :time are not allowed to be used for fields or tags


Reading Series Points (Hydration)

Whenever you want to convert a plain map or a query result into a specific series you can use the built-in hydration methods:

  timestamp: 1_234_567_890,
  some_tag: "hydrate",
  some_field: 123

~S(SELECT * FROM "my_measurement")
|> MyConnection.query()
|> MySeries.from_result()

The timestamp itself is kept "as is" for integer values, timestamps in RFC3339 format (e.g. "1970-01-01T01:00:00.000+01:00") will be converted to :nanosecond integer values.

Please be aware that when using an OTP release prior to 21.0 the time will be truncated to :microsecond precision due to :calendar.rfc3339_to_system_time/2 not being available and DateTime.from_iso8601/1 only supporting microseconds.


Hydrating Results with Multiple Fields (InfluxDB v2.x Pivoting)

If you are connecting to an InfluxDB v2.x instance and have more than one field in your series you will need to "pivot" your query results to be able to fully hydrate your structs:

  from(bucket: "#{MyConnection.config(:bucket)}")
  |> range(start: -5m)
  |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_field"], valueColumn: "_value")

Without using the pivot() function in your :flux query you will receive one result struct for each field (other fields containing default values) instead of one struct with all fields.

See for more details and examples.


Writing Series Points

You can then use your series module to assemble a data point (one at a time) for writing:

data = %MySeries{}
data = %{data | fields: %{data.fields | value: 17}}
data = %{data | tags: %{data.tags | bar: "bar", foo: "foo"}}

And then write one or many at once:

MyConnection.write([point_1, point_2, point_3])

If you want to pass an explicit timestamp you can use the key :timestamp:

data = %MySeries{}
data = %{data | timestamp: 1_439_587_926_000_000_000}

The timestamp is (by default) expected to be a nanosecond unix timestamp. To use different precision (for all points in this write operation!) you can change this value by modifying your write call:

data = %MySeries{}
data = %{data | timestamp: 1_439_587_926}

MyConnection.write(data, precision: :second)

Supported precision types are:

  • :hour
  • :minute
  • :second
  • :millisecond
  • :microsecond
  • :nanosecond
  • :rfc3339

Please be aware that the UDP protocol writer (Instream.Writer.UDP) does not support custom timestamp precisions. All UDP timestamps are implicitly expected to already be at nanosecond precision.

Link to this section Summary


Provides additional metadata for a series.

Creates a series dataset from any given map.

Creates a list of series datasets from a query result.


Defines a field in the series.

Defines the measurement of the series.

Defines the series.

Defines a tag in the series.

Link to this section Callbacks

@callback __meta__(:field | :measurement | :tags) :: any()

Provides additional metadata for a series.


Available Information

  • :fields: the fields in the series
  • :measurement: the measurement of the series
  • :tags: the available tags defining the series
@callback from_map(map()) :: struct()

Creates a series dataset from any given map.

Keys not defined in the series are silently dropped.

@callback from_result(map() | [map()]) :: [struct()]

Creates a list of series datasets from a query result.

Keys not defined in the series are silently dropped.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this macro

field(name, opts \\ [])

View Source (macro)

Defines a field in the series.

Link to this macro


View Source (macro)

Defines the measurement of the series.

Defines the series.

Link to this macro

tag(name, opts \\ [])

View Source (macro)

Defines a tag in the series.