View Source InstructorLite.Adapters.Anthropic (instructor_lite v0.3.0)

Anthropic adapter.

This adapter is implemented using the Messages API and function calling.


params argument should be shaped as a Create message request body.


    messages: [%{role: "user", content: "John is 25yo"}],
    model: "claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620",
    metadata: %{user_id: "3125"}
  response_model: %{name: :string, age: :integer},
  adapter: InstructorLite.Adapters.Anthropic,
  adapter_context: [api_key: Application.fetch_env!(:instructor_lite, :anthropic_key)]
{:ok, %{name: "John", age: 25}}



Updates params with prompt based on json_schema and notes.

Parse API response.

Updates params with prompt for retrying a request.

Make request to Anthropic API


initial_prompt(params, opts)

Updates params with prompt based on json_schema and notes.

Also specifies default claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620 model and 1024 max_tokens if not provided by a user.

parse_response(response, opts)

Parse API response.

Can return:

  • {:ok, parsed_object} on success.
  • {:error, :unexpected_response, response} if response is of unexpected shape.

retry_prompt(params, resp_params, errors, response, opts)

Updates params with prompt for retrying a request.

The error is represented as an erroneous tool_result.

send_request(params, opts)

Make request to Anthropic API


  • :api_key (String.t/0) - Required. Anthropic API key

  • :http_client (atom/0) - Any module that follows interface The default value is Req.

  • :http_options (keyword/0) - Options passed to The default value is [receive_timeout: 60000].

  • :url (String.t/0) - API endpoint to use for sending requests The default value is "".

  • :version (String.t/0) - Anthropic API version The default value is "2023-06-01".