Integrate.SpecificationData (IntegrateDB v0.1.0) View Source

Validate and transform specification data.

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Reverses expand, so the full form data is compacted into the tersest equivalent syntax. Accepts and returns a map.

Expand "terse" syntactic sugar in the spec data into its equivalent full form.

Use a JSON Schema to validate user input specifications.

Validate and then expand user input specification data.

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Reverses expand, so the full form data is compacted into the tersest equivalent syntax. Accepts and returns a map.


iex> attrs = %Spec{
  match: [
      alternatives: %MatchAlternative{
        path: %Path{
          schema: "public",
          table: "users"
        fields: [
            alternatives: [
                name: "id"
            alternatives: [
                name: "uuid"
iex> contract(attrs)
%{match: [%{path: "public.users", fields: ["id", "uuid"]}]}

Expand "terse" syntactic sugar in the spec data into its equivalent full form.

Accepts and returns a map.


iex> expand(%{"match": [%{path" => "public.users", "fields" => ["id", "uuid"]}]})
  "match" => [
      "alternatives" => [
        "path" => %{
          "schema" => "public",
          "table" => "users"
        "fields" => [
            "alternatives" => [
              %{"name" => "id"}
            "alternatives" => [
              %{"name": "uuid"}

Use a JSON Schema to validate user input specifications.

Returns :ok or {:error, json_schema_errors}.


iex> validate(%{})

iex> validate(%{"foo" => 1})
{:error, [{"Type mismatch. Expected String but got Integer.", "#/foo"}]}
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Validate and then expand user input specification data.

Returns {:ok, attrs} or {:error, json_schema_errors}.