View Source IsoLang (iso_lang v0.4.0)

Documentation for IsoLang.

Provides utilities for dealing with ISO 639 languages.


See Also

Link to this section Summary


Returns a list of all available ISO language codes.

Searches for matching languages using a case-insensitive query string

As find/2, but raises on error

Gets a single language struct identified by a field. If the :by field is not specified, fields are checked in the following order

As get/2, but raises on error

Link to this section Types

@type t() :: %IsoLang{
  alpha2: String.t(),
  alpha3b: String.t(),
  alpha3t: String.t(),
  name: String.t(),
  native_name: String.t()

Link to this section Functions

Returns a list of all available ISO language codes.

@spec find(query :: String.t(), opts :: Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, [t()]} | {:error, any()}

Searches for matching languages using a case-insensitive query string



  • :by specifies which struct field to be used in the search. One of :alpha2, :alpha3b, :alpha3t, :name. Default: :name



iex> IsoLang.find("eng")
      alpha2: "",
      alpha3b: "ang",
      alpha3t: "",
      name: "English, Old (ca.450-1100)",
      native_name: nil
      alpha2: "bn",
      alpha3b: "ben",
      alpha3t: "",
      name: "Bengali",
      native_name: "বাংলা"
    # ... etc...
Link to this function

find!(query, opts \\ [])

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As find/2, but raises on error

@spec get(value :: String.t(), opts :: Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, any()}

Gets a single language struct identified by a field. If the :by field is not specified, fields are checked in the following order:

  • :alpha2
  • :alpha3b
  • :alpha3t
  • :name

Keep in mind that the :alpha2 (2-character codes) and :alpha3b (3-character codes) are the most common -- not every language defines a :alpha3t code.



  • :by specifies which struct field to be used in the search. One of :alpha2, :alpha3b, :alpha3t, :name. (optional; default will examine all fields for a match in the order indicated above)



iex> IsoLang.get("de")
    alpha2: "de",
    alpha3b: "ger",
    alpha3t: "deu",
    name: "German",
    native_name: "Deutsch"

As get/2, but raises on error