jason v1.1.2 Jason.Formatter View Source

Pretty-printing and minimizing functions for JSON-encoded data.

Input is required to be in an 8-bit-wide encoding such as UTF-8 or Latin-1 in iodata/0 format. Input must ve valid JSON, invalid JSON may produce unexpected results or errors.

Link to this section Summary


Minimizes JSON-encoded input

Minimizes JSON-encoded input and returns iodata

Pretty-prints JSON-encoded input

Pretty-prints JSON-encoded input and returns iodata

Link to this section Types

Link to this type opts() View Source
opts() :: [
  indent: iodata(),
  line_separator: iodata(),
  record_separator: iodata(),
  after_colon: iodata()

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function minimize(input, opts \\ []) View Source
minimize(iodata(), opts()) :: binary()

Minimizes JSON-encoded input.

input may contain multiple JSON objects or arrays, optionally separated by whitespace (e.g., one object per line). Minimized output will contain one object per line. No trailing newline is emitted.


  • :record_separator - controls the string used as newline (default: "\n").


iex> Jason.Formatter.minimize(~s|{ "a" : "b" , "c": \n\n 2}|)
Link to this function minimize_to_iodata(input, opts) View Source
minimize_to_iodata(iodata(), opts()) :: iodata()

Minimizes JSON-encoded input and returns iodata.

This function should be preferred to minimize/2, if the minimized JSON will be handed over to one of the IO functions or sent over the socket. The Erlang runtime is able to leverage vectorised writes and avoid allocating a continuous buffer for the whole resulting string, lowering memory use and increasing performance.

Link to this function pretty_print(input, opts \\ []) View Source
pretty_print(iodata(), opts()) :: binary()

Pretty-prints JSON-encoded input.

input may contain multiple JSON objects or arrays, optionally separated by whitespace (e.g., one object per line). Objects in output will be separated by newlines. No trailing newline is emitted.


  • :indent - used for nested objects and arrays (default: two spaces - " ");
  • :line_separator - used in nested objects (default: "\n");
  • :record_separator - separates root-level objects and arrays (default is the value for :line_separator option);
  • :after_colon - printed after a colon inside objects (default: one space - " ").


iex> Jason.Formatter.pretty_print(~s|{"a":{"b": [1, 2]}}|)
  "a": {
    "b": [
Link to this function pretty_print_to_iodata(input, opts \\ []) View Source
pretty_print_to_iodata(iodata(), opts()) :: iodata()

Pretty-prints JSON-encoded input and returns iodata.

This function should be preferred to pretty_print/2, if the pretty-printed JSON will be handed over to one of the IO functions or sent over the socket. The Erlang runtime is able to leverage vectorised writes and avoid allocating a continuous buffer for the whole resulting string, lowering memory use and increasing performance.