View Source Jido.Action behaviour (Jido v1.0.0)

Defines a discrete, composable unit of functionality within the Jido system.

Each Action represents a delayed computation that can be composed with others to build complex workflows and workflows. Actions are defined at compile-time and provide a consistent interface for validating inputs, executing workflows, and handling results.


  • Compile-time configuration validation
  • Runtime input parameter validation
  • Consistent error handling and formatting
  • Extensible lifecycle hooks
  • JSON serialization support


To define a new Action, use the Jido.Action behavior in your module:

defmodule MyAction do
  use Jido.Action,
    name: "my_action",
    description: "Performs a specific workflow",
    category: "processing",
    tags: ["example", "demo"],
    vsn: "1.0.0",
    schema: [
      input: [type: :string, required: true]

  @impl true
  def run(params, _context) do
    # Your action logic here
    {:ok, %{result: String.upcase(params.input)}}


Implementing modules must define the following callback:

  • run/2: Executes the main logic of the Action.

Optional callbacks for custom behavior:

Error Handling

Actions use the OK monad for consistent error handling. Errors are wrapped in Jido.Error structs for uniform error reporting across the system.

Parameter Validation

Note on Validation: The validation process for Actions is intentionally open. Only fields specified in the schema are validated. Unspecified fields are not validated, allowing for easier Action composition. This approach enables Actions to accept and pass along additional parameters that may be required by other Actions in a chain without causing validation errors.



Called after the Action's main logic has executed.

Called after parameter validation.

Called before parameter validation.

Handles errors and performs compensation when enabled.

Executes the Action with the given parameters and context.


Defines a new Action module.

Raises an error indicating that Actions cannot be defined at runtime.



@type t() :: %Jido.Action{
  category: String.t() | nil,
  description: String.t() | nil,
  name: String.t(),
  schema: NimbleOptions.schema() | nil,
  tags: [String.t()],
  vsn: String.t() | nil



@callback on_after_run(result :: map()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, any()}

Called after the Action's main logic has executed.

This optional callback allows for post-processing of the Action's result before it is returned to the caller.


  • result: The result map returned by the run/2 function.


  • {:ok, modified_result} where modified_result is a potentially modified result map.
  • {:error, reason} if post-processing fails.


@callback on_after_validate_params(params :: map()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, any()}

Called after parameter validation.

This optional callback allows for post-processing of validated parameters before they are passed to the run/2 function.


  • params: A map of validated input parameters.


  • {:ok, modified_params} where modified_params is a map of potentially modified parameters.
  • {:error, reason} if post-processing fails.


@callback on_before_validate_params(params :: map()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, any()}

Called before parameter validation.

This optional callback allows for pre-processing of input parameters before they are validated against the Action's schema.


  • params: A map of raw input parameters.


  • {:ok, modified_params} where modified_params is a map of potentially modified parameters.
  • {:error, reason} if pre-processing fails.

on_error(failed_params, error, context, opts)

@callback on_error(
  failed_params :: map(),
  error :: Jido.Error.t(),
  context :: map(),
  opts :: keyword()
) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, Jido.Error.t()}

Handles errors and performs compensation when enabled.

Called when an error occurs during Action execution if compensation is enabled in the Action's configuration.


  • failed_params: The parameters that were passed to the failed execution
  • error: The Error struct describing what went wrong
  • context: The execution context at the time of failure
  • opts: Additional options for compensation handling


  • {:ok, result} if compensation succeeded
  • {:error, reason} if compensation failed


def on_error(params, error, context, opts) do
  # Perform compensation logic
  case rollback_changes(params) do
    :ok -> {:ok, %{compensated: true, original_error: error}}
    {:error, reason} -> {:error, "Compensation failed: #{reason}"}

run(params, context)

@callback run(params :: map(), context :: map()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, any()}

Executes the Action with the given parameters and context.

This callback must be implemented by modules using Jido.Action.


  • params: A map of validated input parameters.
  • context: A map containing any additional context for the workflow.


  • {:ok, result} where result is a map containing the workflow's output.
  • {:error, reason} where reason describes why the workflow failed.




Defines a new Action module.

This macro sets up the necessary structure and callbacks for a Action, including configuration validation and default implementations.


  • :name - Required. The name of the Action. Must contain only letters, numbers, and underscores.

  • :description (String.t/0) - A description of what the Action does.

  • :category (String.t/0) - The category of the Action.

  • :tags (list of String.t/0) - A list of tags associated with the Action. The default value is [].

  • :vsn (String.t/0) - The version of the Action.

  • :compensation (keyword/0) - The default value is [].

  • :schema (keyword/0) - A NimbleOptions schema for validating the Action's input parameters. The default value is [].


defmodule MyAction do
  use Jido.Action,
    name: "my_action",
    description: "Performs a specific workflow",
    schema: [
      input: [type: :string, required: true]

  @impl true
  def run(params, _context) do
    {:ok, %{result: String.upcase(params.input)}}


@spec new() :: {:error, Jido.Error.t()}

Raises an error indicating that Actions cannot be defined at runtime.

This function exists to prevent misuse of the Action system, as Actions are designed to be defined at compile-time only.


Always returns {:error, reason} where reason is a config error.


{:error, %Jido.Error{type: :config_error, message: "Actions should not be defined at runtime"}}


@spec new(map() | keyword()) :: {:error, Jido.Error.t()}