Joken Overview


Joken is a JWT (Json Web Token) library centered on 4 core operations:

  • Generation of claims: for instance, time based claims.
  • Signing: using a Joken.Signer
  • Verifying: also using a Joken.Signer
  • Validation: running custom validations for received claims

These core functions are not coupled so that you can use Joken only for verying and validating incoming tokens or only for generating tokens for other consumers.

It is based upon the awesome erlang-jose. Besides having a friendlier Elixir API we include some extras:

  • Ease of key configuration. We provide optional built-in support with Elixir's Mix.Config system. See our configuration guide for more details;
  • Portable configuration using Joken.Claim;
  • Encapsulate your token logic in a module with Joken.Config;
  • Built-in claim generation and validation. erlang-jose is responsible only for signing and verifying token signatures. Here we provide extra tools for claims validation and generation;
  • Better error handling. We provide ExUnit like error messages for claim validation and configuration errors;
  • A good perfomance analysis for ensuring this hot-path in APIs won't be your bottleneck. Please see our perfomance documentation to check what we are talking about;
  • Good defaults. Joken comes with chosen good defaults for parsing JSON (Jason) and generating claims;
  • Hooks for extending Joken functionality. All core actions in Joken have a corresponding hook for extending its functionality. See our hooks guide.

JWT algorithms

Joken supports all algorithms that JOSE supports. That contains:

  • All HS, RS, ES, PS signing algorithms.
  • All Edwards algorithms (Ed25519, Ed25519ph, Ed448, Ed448ph)

See jose JWS algorithm support for more information.


As easy as:

  1. A key configuration:
# config/dev.exs
config :joken, default_signer: "secret"

Optionally, a signer instance:

signer = Joken.Signer.create("HS256", "secret")
  1. A token module:
# lib/myapp/token.ex
defmodule MyApp.Token do
  use Joken.Config

Then, just use your module :)

{:ok, token_with_default_claims} = MyApp.Token.generate_and_sign()

extra_claims = %{"user_id" => "some_id"}
token_with_default_plus_custom_claims = MyApp.Token.generate_and_sign!(extra_claims)

{:ok, claims} = MyApp.Token.verify_and_validate(token)

# Example with a different key than the default
claims = MyApp.Token.verify_and_validate!(token, another_key)

Or with explicitly signer:

signer = Joken.Signer.create("HS256", "secret")

{:ok, token_with_default_claims} = MyApp.Token.generate_and_sign(%{}, signer)

extra_claims = %{"user_id" => "some_id"}
token_with_default_plus_custom_claims = MyApp.Token.generate_and_sign!(extra_claims, signer)

{:ok, claims} = MyApp.Token.verify_and_validate(token, signer)

The default is to use HS256 with the configured binary as the key. It will generate:

  • aud: defaults to "Joken"
  • iss: defaults to "Joken"
  • jti: defaults to &Joken.generate_jti/0
  • exp: defaults to 2hs
  • nbf: defaults to current time
  • iat: defaults to current time

Everything is customizable in your token module. Please, see our configuration guide for all configuration options.