View Source JokenJwks (Joken JWKS v1.7.0)

Joken.Hooks implementation for fetching Joken.Signers from public JWKS URLs.

This hook is intended to be used when you are verifying a token is signed with a well known public key. It only overrides the before_verify/2 callback providing a Joken.Signer for the given token. It is important to notice this is not meant for use when GENERATING a token. So, using this hook with Joken.encode_and_sign function WILL NOT WORK!!!

To use it, pass this hook to Joken either with the add_hook/2 macro or directly to each Joken function. Example:

defmodule MyToken do
  use Joken.Config

  add_hook(JokenJwks, strategy: MyFetchingStrategy)

  # rest of your token config


Joken.verify_and_validate(config, token, nil, context, [{JokenJwks, strategy: MyStrategy}])

Fetching strategy

Very rarely, your authentication server might rotate or block its keys. Key rotation is the process of issuing a new key that in time will replace the older key. This is security hygiene and should/might be a regular process.

Sometimes it is important to block keys because they got leaked or for any other reason.

Other times you simply don't control the authentication server and can't ensure the keys won't change. This is the most common scenario for this hook.

In these cases (and some others) it is important to have a cache invalidation strategy: all your cached keys should be refreshed. Since the best strategy might differ for each use case, there is a behaviour that can be customized as the "fetching strategy", that is: when to fetch and re-fetch keys. JokenJwks has a default strategy that tries to be smart and cover most use cases by default. It combines a time based state machine to avoid overflowing the system with re-fetching keys. If that is not a good option for your use case, it can still be configured. Please, see JokenJwks.SignerMatchStrategy or JokenJwks.DefaultStrategyTemplate docs for more information.