View Source JOSE.JWT (JOSE v1.11.10)

JWT stands for JSON Web Token which is defined in RFC 7519.

Encryption Examples

Signature Examples

All of the example keys generated below can be found here:

See JOSE.JWS for more Signature examples. For security purposes, verify_strict/3 is recommended over verify/2.


# let's generate the key we'll use below and define our jwt
jwk_hs256 = JOSE.JWK.generate_key({:oct, 16})
jwt       = %{ "test" => true }

# HS256
iex> signed_hs256 = JOSE.JWT.sign(jwk_hs256, %{ "alg" => "HS256" }, jwt) |> JOSE.JWS.compact |> elem(1)
# verify_strict/3 is recommended over verify/2
iex> JOSE.JWT.verify_strict(jwk_hs256, ["HS256"], signed_hs256)
{true, %JOSE.JWT{fields: %{"test" => true}},
 %JOSE.JWS{alg: {:jose_jws_alg_hmac, {:jose_jws_alg_hmac, :sha256}},
  b64: :undefined, fields: %{"typ" => "JWT"}}}
# verify/2 returns the same thing without "alg" whitelisting
iex> JOSE.JWT.verify(jwk_hs256, signed_hs256)
{true, %JOSE.JWT{fields: %{"test" => true}},
 %JOSE.JWS{alg: {:jose_jws_alg_hmac, {:jose_jws_alg_hmac, :sha256}},
  b64: :undefined, fields: %{"typ" => "JWT"}}}

# the default signing algorithm is also "HS256" based on the type of jwk used
iex> signed_hs256 == JOSE.JWT.sign(jwk_hs256, jwt) |> JOSE.JWS.compact |> elem(1)



Decrypts an encrypted JOSE.JWT using the jwk. See JOSE.JWE.block_decrypt/2.

Encrypts a JOSE.JWT using the jwk and the default block encryptor algorithm jwe for the key type. See encrypt/3.

Encrypts a JOSE.JWT using the jwk and the jwe algorithm. See JOSE.JWK.block_encrypt/3.

Converts a binary or map into a JOSE.JWT.

Converts a binary into a JOSE.JWT.

Reads file and calls from_binary/1 to convert into a JOSE.JWT.

Converts a map into a JOSE.JWT.

Converts a :jose_jwt record into a JOSE.JWT.

Merges map on right into map on left.

Returns the decoded payload as a JOSE.JWT of a signed binary or map without verifying the signature.

Returns the decoded protected as a JOSE.JWS of a signed binary or map without verifying the signature.

Signs a JOSE.JWT using the jwk and the default signer algorithm jws for the key type. See sign/3.

Signs a JOSE.JWT using the jwk and the jws algorithm. See JOSE.JWK.sign/3.

Converts a JOSE.JWT into a binary.

Calls to_binary/1 on a JOSE.JWT and then writes the binary to file.

Converts a JOSE.JWT into a map.

Converts a JOSE.JWT struct to a :jose_jwt record.

Verifies the signed using the jwk and calls from/1 on the payload. See JOSE.JWS.verify/2.

Verifies the signed using the jwk, whitelists the "alg" using allow, and calls from/1 on the payload. See JOSE.JWS.verify_strict/3.


@type t() :: %JOSE.JWT{fields: term()}


Decrypts an encrypted JOSE.JWT using the jwk. See JOSE.JWE.block_decrypt/2.

Encrypts a JOSE.JWT using the jwk and the default block encryptor algorithm jwe for the key type. See encrypt/3.

Encrypts a JOSE.JWT using the jwk and the jwe algorithm. See JOSE.JWK.block_encrypt/3.

If "typ" is not specified in the jwe, %{ "typ" => "JWT" } will be added.

Converts a binary or map into a JOSE.JWT.

iex> JOSE.JWT.from(%{ "test" => true })
%JOSE.JWT{fields: %{"test" => true}}
iex> JOSE.JWT.from("{"test":true}")
%JOSE.JWT{fields: %{"test" => true}}

Converts a binary into a JOSE.JWT.

@spec from_file(String.t() | charlist()) :: t()

Reads file and calls from_binary/1 to convert into a JOSE.JWT.

Converts a map into a JOSE.JWT.

@spec from_record(tuple()) :: t()
@spec from_record([tuple()]) :: [t()]

Converts a :jose_jwt record into a JOSE.JWT.

This also works for converting a list of :jose_jwt records into a list of JOSE.JWT structs.

Merges map on right into map on left.

@spec peek(binary()) :: t()

Same as peek_payload/1.

@spec peek_payload(binary()) :: t()

Returns the decoded payload as a JOSE.JWT of a signed binary or map without verifying the signature.

See JOSE.JWS.peek_payload/1.

@spec peek_protected(binary()) :: JOSE.JWS.t()

Returns the decoded protected as a JOSE.JWS of a signed binary or map without verifying the signature.

See JOSE.JWS.peek_protected/1.

Signs a JOSE.JWT using the jwk and the default signer algorithm jws for the key type. See sign/3.

Signs a JOSE.JWT using the jwk and the jws algorithm. See JOSE.JWK.sign/3.

If "typ" is not specified in the jws, %{ "typ" => "JWT" } will be added.

Converts a JOSE.JWT into a binary.

Calls to_binary/1 on a JOSE.JWT and then writes the binary to file.

Converts a JOSE.JWT into a map.

@spec to_record(t()) :: tuple()
@spec to_record([t()]) :: [tuple()]

Converts a JOSE.JWT struct to a :jose_jwt record.

This also works for converting a list of JOSE.JWT structs to a list of :jose_jwt records.

@spec verify(JOSE.JWK.t(), binary()) ::
  {valid? :: boolean(), jwt :: t(), jws :: JOSE.JWS.t()}

Verifies the signed using the jwk and calls from/1 on the payload. See JOSE.JWS.verify/2.

Link to this function

verify_strict(jwk, allow, signed)

View Source
@spec verify_strict(JOSE.JWK.t(), [String.t()], binary()) ::
  {valid? :: boolean(), jwt :: t(), jws :: JOSE.JWS.t()}

Verifies the signed using the jwk, whitelists the "alg" using allow, and calls from/1 on the payload. See JOSE.JWS.verify_strict/3.