jsonapi v0.0.2
Modules summary ↑
JSONAPI | This module is designed to work with a Phoenix Application. You give it a View, an Ecto model, and a Plug.Conn from a phoenix endpoint and it will spit out a map to be rendered by Poison |
JSONAPI.Controller | This module is a grab bag of functions that are useful when parsing query strings for JSONAPI |
JSONAPI.PhoenixView | This is an optional Phoenix specific module to include. It will give you default render show and index.json methods |
JSONAPI.PlugResponseContentType | Simply add this plug to your endpoint or your router :api pipeline and it will ensure you return the correct response type |
JSONAPI.Query | |
JSONAPI.View | A View is simply a module that define certain callbacks to configure proper rendering of your JSONAPI documents |