Jsonpatch (Jsonpatch v0.12.0) View Source

A implementation of RFC 6902 in pure Elixir.

The patch can be a single change or a list of things that shall be changed. Therefore a list or a single JSON patch can be provided. Every patch belongs to a certain operation which influences the usage.

According to RFC 6901 escaping of / and ~ is done by using ~1 for / and ~0 for ~.

Link to this section Summary


Describe an error that occured while patching.


A valid Jsonpatch operation by RFC 6902


Apply a Jsonpatch or a list of Jsonpatches to a map or struct. The whole patch will not be applied when any path is invalid or any other error occured. When a list is provided, the operations are applied in the order as they appear in the list.

Apply a Jsonpatch or a list of Jsonpatches to a map or struct. In case of an error it will raise an exception. When a list is provided, the operations are applied in the order as they appear in the list.

Creates a patch from the difference of a source map to a destination map or list.

Link to this section Types


error() :: {:error, :invalid_path | :invalid_index | :test_failed, bitstring()}

Describe an error that occured while patching.


A valid Jsonpatch operation by RFC 6902

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

apply_patch(json_patch, target)

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apply_patch(t() | [t()], map()) :: {:ok, map()} | error()

Apply a Jsonpatch or a list of Jsonpatches to a map or struct. The whole patch will not be applied when any path is invalid or any other error occured. When a list is provided, the operations are applied in the order as they appear in the list.


iex> patch = [
...> %Jsonpatch.Operation.Add{path: "/age", value: 33},
...> %Jsonpatch.Operation.Replace{path: "/hobbies/0", value: "Elixir!"},
...> %Jsonpatch.Operation.Replace{path: "/married", value: true},
...> %Jsonpatch.Operation.Remove{path: "/hobbies/2"},
...> %Jsonpatch.Operation.Remove{path: "/hobbies/1"},
...> %Jsonpatch.Operation.Copy{from: "/name", path: "/surname"},
...> %Jsonpatch.Operation.Move{from: "/home", path: "/work"},
...> %Jsonpatch.Operation.Test{path: "/name", value: "Bob"}
...> ]
iex> target = %{"name" => "Bob", "married" => false, "hobbies" => ["Sport", "Elixir", "Football"], "home" => "Berlin"}
iex> Jsonpatch.apply_patch(patch, target)
{:ok, %{"name" => "Bob", "married" => true, "hobbies" => ["Elixir!"], "age" => 33, "surname" => "Bob", "work" => "Berlin"}}

iex> # Patch will not be applied if test fails. The target will not be changed.
iex> patch = [
...> %Jsonpatch.Operation.Add{path: "/age", value: 33},
...> %Jsonpatch.Operation.Test{path: "/name", value: "Alice"}
...> ]
iex> target = %{"name" => "Bob", "married" => false, "hobbies" => ["Sport", "Elixir", "Football"], "home" => "Berlin"}
iex> Jsonpatch.apply_patch(patch, target)
{:error, :test_failed, "Expected value 'Alice' at '/name'"}
Link to this function

apply_patch!(json_patch, target)

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apply_patch!(t() | [t()], map()) :: map()

Apply a Jsonpatch or a list of Jsonpatches to a map or struct. In case of an error it will raise an exception. When a list is provided, the operations are applied in the order as they appear in the list.

(See Jsonpatch.apply_patch/2 for more details)

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diff(source, destination)

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diff(maybe_improper_list() | map(), maybe_improper_list() | map()) :: [t()]

Creates a patch from the difference of a source map to a destination map or list.


iex> source = %{"name" => "Bob", "married" => false, "hobbies" => ["Elixir", "Sport", "Football"]}
iex> destination = %{"name" => "Bob", "married" => true, "hobbies" => ["Elixir!"], "age" => 33}
iex> Jsonpatch.diff(source, destination)
  %Jsonpatch.Operation.Replace{path: "/married", value: true},
  %Jsonpatch.Operation.Remove{path: "/hobbies/2"},
  %Jsonpatch.Operation.Remove{path: "/hobbies/1"},
  %Jsonpatch.Operation.Replace{path: "/hobbies/0", value: "Elixir!"},
  %Jsonpatch.Operation.Add{path: "/age", value: 33}