View Source JSV.Schema (jsv v0.3.0)

This module defines a struct where all the supported keywords of the JSON schema specification are defined as keys. Text editors that can predict the struct keys will make autocompletion available when writing schemas.

Using in build

The JSV.Schema struct can be given to

schema = %JSV.Schema{type: :integer}, options())

Because Elixir structs always contain all their defined keys, writing a schema as %JSV.Schema{type: :integer} is actually defining the following:

  type: :integer,
  "$id": nil
  additionalItems: nil,
  additionalProperties: nil,
  allOf: nil,
  anyOf: nil,
  contains: nil,
  # etc...

For that reason, when giving a JSV.Schema struct to, any nil value is ignored. This is not the case with other strucs or maps.

Note that does not require JSV.Schema structs, any map with binary or atom keys is accepted.

This is also why the JSV.Schema struct does not define the const keyword, because nil is a valid value for that keyword but there is no way to know if the value was omitted or explicitly defined as nil. To circumvent that you may use the enum keyword or just use a regular map instead of this module's struct:

%JSV.Schema{enum: [nil]}
# OR
%{const: nil}

Functional helpers

This module also exports a small range of utility functions to ease writing schemas in a functional way.

This is mostly useful when generating schemas dynamically, or for shorthands.

For instance, instead of writing the following:

  type: :object,
  properties: %{
    name: %Schema{type: :string, description: "the name of the user"},
    age: %Schema{type: :integer, description: "the age of the user"}
  required: [:name, :age]

One can write:

|> Schema.props(
  name: Schema.string(description: "the name of the user"),
  age: Schema.integer(description: "the age of the user")
|> Schema.required([:name, :age])



Returns a schema with type: :boolean.

Returns a schema with type: :integer.

Returns a schema with type: :array and items: item_schema.

Returns a new JSV.Schema struct with the given key/values.

Returns a schema with type: :number.

Returns a schema with type: :object.

Updates the given JSV.Schema struct with the given key/values.

Returns a schema with the type: :object and the given properties.

Returns a schema with "$ref": ref.

Adds the given key or keys in the base schema :required property. Previous values are preserved.

Returns a schema with type: :string.



@type base() :: prototype() | nil


@type prototype() :: t() | map() | keyword()


@type t() :: %JSV.Schema{
  "$anchor": term(),
  "$comment": term(),
  "$defs": term(),
  "$dynamicAnchor": term(),
  "$dynamicRef": term(),
  "$id": term(),
  "$ref": term(),
  "$schema": term(),
  additionalItems: term(),
  additionalProperties: term(),
  allOf: term(),
  anyOf: term(),
  contains: term(),
  contentEncoding: term(),
  contentMediaType: term(),
  contentSchema: term(),
  default: term(),
  dependencies: term(),
  dependentRequired: term(),
  dependentSchemas: term(),
  deprecated: term(),
  description: term(),
  else: term(),
  enum: term(),
  examples: term(),
  exclusiveMaximum: term(),
  exclusiveMinimum: term(),
  format: term(),
  if: term(),
  items: term(),
  maxContains: term(),
  maxItems: term(),
  maxLength: term(),
  maxProperties: term(),
  maximum: term(),
  minContains: term(),
  minItems: term(),
  minLength: term(),
  minProperties: term(),
  minimum: term(),
  multipleOf: term(),
  not: term(),
  oneOf: term(),
  pattern: term(),
  patternProperties: term(),
  prefixItems: term(),
  properties: term(),
  propertyNames: term(),
  readOnly: term(),
  required: term(),
  then: term(),
  title: term(),
  type: term(),
  unevaluatedItems: term(),
  unevaluatedProperties: term(),
  uniqueItems: term(),
  writeOnly: term()


boolean(base \\ nil)

Returns a schema with type: :boolean.

integer(base \\ nil)

Returns a schema with type: :integer.

items(base \\ nil, item_schema)

Returns a schema with type: :array and items: item_schema.


@spec new(prototype()) :: t()

Returns a new JSV.Schema struct with the given key/values.

number(base \\ nil)

Returns a schema with type: :number.

object(base \\ nil)

Returns a schema with type: :object.

See props/2 to define the properties as well.

override(base, overrides)

@spec override(prototype() | nil, prototype()) :: t()

Updates the given JSV.Schema struct with the given key/values.

Accepts nil as the base schema, which is equivalent to new(overrides).

props(base \\ nil, properties)

Returns a schema with the type: :object and the given properties.

ref(base \\ nil, ref)

Returns a schema with "$ref": ref.

required(base \\ nil, key_or_keys)

@spec required(base(), [atom() | binary()] | atom() | binary()) :: t()

Adds the given key or keys in the base schema :required property. Previous values are preserved.

string(base \\ nil)

Returns a schema with type: :string.