Copyright © 2019 Klarna Bank AB (publ)
behavior() = atom()
kafka_config() = #{kafka_topic := binary(), group_id := binary(), kafka_client => atom(), consumer_config => brod:consumer_config(), term() => term()}
message() = #kflow_msg{}
node_config() = #{hard_timeout => timeout(), max_queue_len => non_neg_integer()}
node_id() = [atom()]
node_spec() = node_spec(term())
node_spec(CallbackConfig) = {Behavior::behavior(), CallbackModule::module(), CallbackConfig} | {Behavior::behavior(), NodeConfig::node_config(), CallbackModule::module(), CallbackConfig} | {map, kflow_gen_map:callback_fun()} | {filter, kflow_gen_filter:callback_fun()} | {demux, kflow_gen_demux:callback_fun()} | {mfd, kflow_gen_mfd:callback_fun()} | {unfold, kflow_gen_unfold:callback_fun()} | {route_dependent, kflow_route_dependent:callback_fun()} | join
offset() = integer()
pipe() = [node_spec(), ...]
workflow() = #{start := {module(), atom()}, args := #{id := atom(), term() => term()}, term() => term()}
kafka_client_settings/0 | Get Kafka connection setting of the default client. |
kafka_client_settings/1 | Get Kafka connection settings. |
mk_kafka_workflow/3 | Helper function for creating standard Kafka workflows. |
status/0 | Get high-level health status. |
kafka_client_settings() -> {[brod:endpoint()], brod:client_config()}
Get Kafka connection setting of the default client
kafka_client_settings(Name::atom()) -> {[brod:endpoint()], brod:client_config()}
Get Kafka connection settings
mk_kafka_workflow(Id::atom(), PipeSpec::pipe(), Config::kafka_config()) -> workflow()
Helper function for creating standard Kafka workflows
status() -> string()
Get high-level health status. TODO: put something useful here
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