is a source type that reads data
from Kafka.
Copyright © 2019 Klarna Bank AB (publ)
is a source type that reads data
from Kafka
config() = #{brod_client_id => atom(), group_id := brod:group_id(), topics := [brod:topic()], id := atom(), pipe_spec := kflow:pipe() | fun((kflow:node_spec()) -> kflow:pipe()), auto_commit => boolean(), consumer_config => brod:consumer_config(), feed_timeout => timeout(), shutdown_timeout => timeout(), flush_interval => non_neg_integer() | undefined}
handle_message/2 | |
init/2 | |
start_link/1 | |
stop/1 | |
terminate/2 |
handle_message(MessageSet, State) -> any()
init(InitInfo, Config) -> any()
start_link(Config::config()) -> {ok, pid()}
stop(Pid::pid()) -> ok
terminate(Reason, S) -> any()
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