Module kflow_kafka_retransmit

This workflow consumes messages from one topic and retransmits them to a different one.

Copyright © 2019 Klarna Bank AB (publ)


This workflow consumes messages from one topic and retransmits them to a different one. Partitions are chosen by hashing the Kafka message key

Data Types


config() = #{from_client => atom(), to_client => atom(), from_topic := brod:topic(), to_topic := brod:topic(), n_partitions := integer(), group_id := brod:group_id(), preprocess => kflow:pipe(), part_fun => part_fun(), max_messages => non_neg_integer(), max_size => non_neg_integer(), flush_interval => timeout()}


part_fun() = fun((NumPartitions::non_neg_integer(), term()) -> brod:partition())

Function Index

workflow/2Create a workflow specification.

Function Details


workflow(Id::atom(), Config0::config()) -> kflow:workflow()

Create a workflow specification

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