Module khepri_condition

Condition support.


Condition support.

Conditions can be used in path patterns and keep_while conditions. They allow to point to a specific node only if conditions are met, or to match several tree nodes with a single path pattern.

A condition is an Erlang record defining a specific property. Some of them have arguments to further define the condition.

All supported conditions are described in the Data Types section.

Data Types


comparison_op(Type) = {eq, Type} | {ne, Type} | {lt, Type} | {le, Type} | {gt, Type} | {ge, Type}

Comparison operator in some condition().


condition() = if_name_matches() | if_path_matches() | if_has_data() | if_data_matches() | if_node_exists() | if_payload_version() | if_child_list_version() | if_child_list_length() | if_not() | if_all() | if_any()

All supported conditions.


if_all() = #if_all{conditions = [khepri_path:pattern_component()]}

Condition. Evaluates to true if all inner conditions evaluate to true.

Record fields: Example:
#if_all{conditions = [#if_name_matches{regex = "^a"},
                      #if_has_data{has_data = true}]}.


if_any() = #if_any{conditions = [khepri_path:pattern_component()]}

Condition. Evaluates to true if any of the inner conditions evaluate to true.

Record fields: Example:
#if_any{conditions = [#if_name_matches{regex = "^a"},
                      #if_has_data{has_data = true}]}.


if_child_list_length() = #if_child_list_length{count = non_neg_integer() | khepri_condition:comparison_op(non_neg_integer())}

Condition. Evaluates to true if the tested node's child list size corresponds to the expected value.

Record fields: Example:
#if_child_list_length{count = 1}.
#if_child_list_length{count = {gt, 10}}.


if_child_list_version() = #if_child_list_version{version = khepri:child_list_version() | khepri_condition:comparison_op(khepri:child_list_version())}

Condition. Evaluates to true if the tested node's child list version corresponds to the expected value.

Record fields: Example:
#if_child_list_version{version = 1}.
#if_child_list_version{version = {gt, 10}}.


if_data_matches() = #if_data_matches{pattern = ets:match_pattern(), conditions = [any()], compiled = ets:comp_match_spec() | undefined}

Condition. Evaluates to true if the tested node has a data payload and the data payload term matches the given pattern and all conditions evaluates to true.

Record fields: Examples:
%% The data must be of the form `{user, _}', so a tuple of arity 2 with the
%% first element being the `user' atom. The second element can be anything.
#if_data_matches{pattern = {user, '_'}}.
%% The data must be of the form `{age, Age}' and `Age' must be an
%% integer greater than or equal to 18.
#if_data_matches{pattern = {age, '$1'},
                 conditions = [{is_integer, '$1'},
                               {'>=', '$1', 18}]}.
See Match Specifications in Erlang for a detailed documentation of how it works.


if_has_data() = #if_has_data{has_data = boolean()}

Condition. Evaluates to true if the tested node's data payload presence corresponds to the expected state.

Record fields:

Data absence is either no payload or a non-data type of payload.

#if_has_data{has_data = false}.


if_name_matches() = #if_name_matches{regex = any | iodata() | unicode:charlist(), compiled = re_mp() | undefined}

Condition. Evaluates to true if the name of the tested node matches the condition pattern.

Record fields: Example:
#if_name_matches{regex = "^user_"}.
#if_name_matches{regex = any}.


if_node_exists() = #if_node_exists{exists = boolean()}

Condition. Evaluates to true if the tested node existence corresponds to the expected state.

Record fields: Example:
#if_node_exists{exists = false}.


if_not() = #if_not{condition = khepri_path:pattern_component()}

Condition. Evaluates to true if the inner condition evaluates to false.

Record fields: Example:
#if_not{condition = #if_name_matches{regex = "^a"}}.


if_path_matches() = #if_path_matches{regex = any | iodata() | unicode:charlist(), compiled = re_mp() | undefined}

Condition. Evaluates to true if the name of the tested node matches the condition pattern. If it does not match, child node names are tested recursively.

Record fields: Example:
#if_path_matches{regex = "^user_"}.
#if_path_matches{regex = any}.


if_payload_version() = #if_payload_version{version = khepri:payload_version() | khepri_condition:comparison_op(khepri:payload_version())}

Condition. Evaluates to true if the tested node's payload version corresponds to the expected value.

Record fields: Example:
#if_payload_version{version = 1}.
#if_payload_version{version = {gt, 10}}.


keep_while() = #{khepri_path:path() => condition()}

An association between a path and a condition. As long as the condition evaluates to true, the tree node is kept. Once the condition evaluates to false, the tree node is deleted.

If the keep_while conditions are false at the time of the insert, the insert fails. The only exception to that is if the keep_while condition is on the inserted node itself.

Paths in the map can be native paths or Unix-like paths. However, having two entries that resolve to the same node (one native path entry and one Unix-like path entry for instance) is undefined behavior: one of them will overwrite the other.

  #{keep_while => #{
    %% The node `[foo]' will be removed as soon as `[bar]' is removed
    %% because the condition associated with `[bar]' will not be true
    %% anymore.
    [bar] => #if_node_exists{exists = true}


native_keep_while() = #{khepri_path:native_path() => condition()}

An association between a native path and a condition.

This is the same as keep_while() but the paths in the map keys were converted to native paths if necessary.


re_mp() = tuple()

Function Index


Function Details


ensure_native_keep_while(KeepWhile) -> NativeKeepWhile

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