Module khepri_projection

Khepri projections.


Khepri projections

Projections build a replicated ETS table using tree nodes from the store which match a khepri_path:pattern(). When a tree node matching a projection's pattern is changed in the store, the tree node is passed through the projection's projection_fun() to create record(s). These records are then stored in the projection's ETS table for all members in a Khepri cluster.

Projections provide a way to query the store as fast as possible and are appropriate for lookups which require low latency and/or high throughput. Projection tables contain all records matching the pattern, though, so the memory footprint of a projection table grows with the number of tree nodes in the store matching the pattern.

Projection ETS tables are owned by the Khepri cluster and are deleted when the cluster stops.

Updates to projection tables are immediately consistent for the member of the cluster on which the change to the store is made and the leader member but are eventually consistent for all other followers.

Data Types


extended_projection_fun() = fun((Table::ets:tid(), Path::khepri_path:native_path(), OldPayload::khepri:node_props(), NewPayload::khepri:node_props()) -> any())

An extended projection function.

In some cases, a tree node in the store might correspond to many objects in a projection table. Extended projection functions are allowed to call ETS functions directly in order to build the projection table.

OldPayload or NewPayload are empty maps if there is no tree node. For example, a newly created tree node will have an empty map for OldPayload and a khepri:node_props() map with values for NewPayload.

This function is compiled like a transaction function except that calls to the ets module are allowed.

The return value of this function is ignored.


name() = atom()

The name of a projection.


options() = #{type => ets:table_type(), keypos => pos_integer(), read_concurrency => boolean(), write_concurrency => boolean() | auto, compressed => boolean(), standalone_fun_options => horus:options()}

Options which control the created ETS table.

If provided, standalone_fun_options are merged with defaults and passed to horus:to_standalone_fun/2. The remaining options are a subset of the options available to ets:new/2. Refer to the ets:new/2 documentation for a reference on each type and available values.

When a projection is created from a simple_projection_fun(), the type option may only be set or ordered_set: bag types are not allowed. extended_projection_fun()s may use any valid ets:table_type().


projection() = #khepri_projection{name = atom(), projection_fun = copy | horus:horus_fun(), ets_options = [atom() | tuple()]}

A projection resource.


projection_fun() = copy | simple_projection_fun() | extended_projection_fun()

A function that formats an entry in the tree into a record to be stored in a projection.

Projection functions may either be: The projection function is executed directly by the Ra server process. The function should be as simple and fast as possible to avoid slowing down the server.


simple_projection_fun() = fun((Path::khepri_path:native_path(), Payload::khepri:data()) -> Record::tuple())

A simple projection function.

Simple projection functions only take the path and payload for a tree node in the store. The record produced by the function is used to create and delete objects in the ETS table.

This function is compiled the same way as a transaction function: all side-effects are not allowed. Additionally, for any Path and Payload inputs, this function must consistently return the same Record.

Function Index

new/3Creates a new projection data structure.
name/1Returns the name of the given Projection.

Function Details


new(Name, ProjectionFun) -> Projection

See also: khepri:register_projection/4, khepri_projection:new/3, khepri_projection:new/3.


new(Name, ProjectionFun, Options) -> Projection

Name: the name of the projection. This corresponds to the name of the ETS table which is created when the projection is registered.
ProjectionFun: the function which turns paths and data into records to be stored in the projection table.
Options: options which control properties of the projection table.

returns: a projection() resource.

Creates a new projection data structure.

This function throws an error in the shape of {unexpected_option, Key, Value} when an unknown or invalid option() is passed. For example, if the passed ProjectionFun is a simple_projection_fun() and the Options map sets the type to bag, this function throws {unexpected_option, type, bag} since bag is not valid for simple projection funs.


name(Projection) -> Name

Returns the name of the given Projection.

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