
A language contains translations and plural form information, and can be used to translate messages.


pub opaque type Language

Error returned when an MO file is loaded.

pub type LanguageLoadError {
  MoParseError(err: mo.ParseError)
  PluralFormsLoadError(err: plurals.LoadError)


  • MoParseError(err: mo.ParseError)

    The MO file could not be parsed.

  • PluralFormsLoadError(err: plurals.LoadError)

    The plural forms in the MO file were invalid or missing.

Error when trying to translate a message.

pub type TranslateError {
  PluralOutOfBounds(requested: Int, but_max_is: Int)


  • MsgIsSingular(String)

    Tried to translate a plural message, but the translation is singular.

  • MsgIsPlural(String)

    Tried to translate a singular message, but the translation is plural.

  • MsgNotFound(String)

    There was no translation for the message.

  • PluralOutOfBounds(requested: Int, but_max_is: Int)

    The plural algorithm returned a form that is out of bounds for the amount of plural forms.


pub fn get_code(lang: Language) -> String

Get the language’s language code.

pub fn get_plural_translation(
  lang: Language,
  msgid: String,
  n: Int,
) -> Result(String, TranslateError)

Translate a plural message.

pub fn get_singular_translation(
  lang: Language,
  msgid: String,
) -> Result(String, TranslateError)

Translate a singular message.

pub fn load(
  code: String,
  mo_file: BitArray,
) -> Result(Language, LanguageLoadError)

Load a language from the given MO file.

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