

pub fn gettext(context: Context, msgid: String) -> String

Translate the given singular message.

If there is a failure to translate the message, the given message is returned as-is. Causes for such a failure are:

  • if no translations have been loaded for the language,
  • if there is no translation for this message for the language, or
  • if the translation for this message is plural.


// Imported with kielet.{gettext as g_}
  g_(ctx, "Sleep tight in a new light through another warning call")
pub fn ngettext(
  context: Context,
  singular: String,
  plural: String,
  n: Int,
) -> String

Translate the given plural message. n is the amount of countable items in the message. For example for the English language, from "%s bunny" and "%s bunnies", the latter would be returned when n is anything except 1.

Note that this function does no replacing of any placeholder. It is only convention to use %s in place of the amount in the message, and it will not be altered by this function. Replacing of the amount is left to the user.

If there is a failure to translate the message, the given message is returned, in singular or plural, using the English pluralisation rules. Causes for such a failure are:

  • if no translations have been loaded for the language,
  • if there is no translation for this message for the language,
  • if the translation for this message is singular,
  • if the plural form algorithm returned a form that does not exist in the translation, or
  • if the translation file did not have a Plural-Forms header.


// Imported with kielet.{ngettext as n_}

let n = 100

      "That's better than a rabbit",
      "That's better than %s rabbits",
pub fn npgettext(
  context: Context,
  msgctxt: String,
  singular: String,
  plural: String,
  n: Int,
) -> String

Translate plural message with given context.

See the documentation of pgettext and ngettext for other details.

// Imported with kielet.{npgettext as np_}
np_(ctx, "A physical sign with text on it", "A sign", "%s signs", 5)
np_(ctx, "A word in a sign language", "A sign", "%s signs", 5)
pub fn pgettext(
  context: Context,
  msgctxt: String,
  msgid: String,
) -> String

Translate singular message with given context. If the context does not match any for the translation, even if the message matches, the translation will fail and the original message from the source will be returned.

Note that having a context of an empty string and not having a context are not the same thing! I.e., any translation used with pgettext cannot be loaded using gettext and vice versa. In such a case they must be translated twice.

See the documentation of gettext for other details.


// Imported with kielet.{pgettext as p_}
p_(ctx, "Lead (the element)", "Lead")
p_(ctx, "To lead (verb)", "Lead")
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