

pub fn gettext(context: Context, msgid: String) -> String

Translate the given singular message.

If there is a failure to translate the message, the given message is returned as-is. Causes for such a failure are:

  • if no translations have been loaded for the language,
  • if there is no translation for this message for the language, or
  • if the translation for this message is plural.


// Imported with kielet.{gettext as g_}
  g_(ctx, "Sleep tight in a new light through another warning call")
pub fn ngettext(
  context: Context,
  singular: String,
  plural: String,
  n: Int,
) -> String

Translate the given plural message. n is the amount of countable items in the message. For example for the English language, from "%s bunny" and "%s bunnies", the latter would be returned when n is anything except 1.

Note that this function does no replacing of any placeholder. It is only convention to use %s in place of the amount in the message, and it will not be altered by this function. Replacing of the amount is left to the user.

If there is a failure to translate the message, the given message is returned, in singular or plural, using the English pluralisation rules. Causes for such a failure are:

  • if no translations have been loaded for the language,
  • if there is no translation for this message for the language,
  • if the translation for this message is singular,
  • if the plural form algorithm returned a form that does not exist in the translation, or
  • if the translation file did not have a Plural-Forms header.


// Imported with kielet.{ngettext as n_}

let n = 100

      "That's better than a rabbit",
      "That's better than %s rabbits",
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