Klotho.Mock (klotho v0.1.2)

This is the backend is used in :test environment.

The module gives control of the mocked time and provides inspection of triggered timers.



Freeze time. In frozen mode, all calls to monotonic_time and system_time will return the same value. Timers will be not triggered unless warp is called. The function is idempotent.

Reset the state of the time server. This

Return history of all messages (%Klotho.Mock.TimerMsg{}) sent by triggered timers. Most recent messages are first.

Unreeze time. In running mode, all calls to monotonic_time and system_time will start produce values increasing with "normal" monotonic time pace. Timers will be triggered according to their schedule.

Warp time forward by timer_interval milliseconds. Regardless of the current mode (frozen or running), all the timers that are due to trigger within the next timer_interval milliseconds will be triggered after warp.

Warp time forward by timer_interval in unit. Regardless of the current mode (frozen or running), all the timers that are due to trigger within the next timer_interval milliseconds will be triggered after warp.


@spec freeze() :: :ok

Freeze time. In frozen mode, all calls to monotonic_time and system_time will return the same value. Timers will be not triggered unless warp is called. The function is idempotent.

@spec reset() :: :ok

Reset the state of the time server. This

  • resets the time to the actual current time;
  • cleans timer history;
  • resets the mode to running;
  • cancels all timers.
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@spec timer_event_history() :: [Klotho.Mock.TimerMsg.t()]

Return history of all messages (%Klotho.Mock.TimerMsg{}) sent by triggered timers. Most recent messages are first.

@spec unfreeze() :: :ok

Unreeze time. In running mode, all calls to monotonic_time and system_time will start produce values increasing with "normal" monotonic time pace. Timers will be triggered according to their schedule.

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@spec warp_by(non_neg_integer()) :: :ok

Warp time forward by timer_interval milliseconds. Regardless of the current mode (frozen or running), all the timers that are due to trigger within the next timer_interval milliseconds will be triggered after warp.

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warp_by(timer_interval, unit)

@spec warp_by(non_neg_integer(), :erlang.time_unit()) :: :ok

Warp time forward by timer_interval in unit. Regardless of the current mode (frozen or running), all the timers that are due to trigger within the next timer_interval milliseconds will be triggered after warp.