Kujira.Contract (kujira v0.1.80)
Convenience methods for querying CosmWasm smart contracts on Kujira
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by_code(channel, code_id)
@spec by_code(GRPC.Channel.t(), integer()) :: {:ok, [String.t()]} | {:error, GRPC.RPCError.t()}
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by_codes(channel, code_ids)
@spec by_codes(GRPC.Channel.t(), [integer()]) :: {:ok, [String.t()]} | {:error, GRPC.RPCError.t()}
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get(channel, loaded)
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info(channel, address)
@spec info(GRPC.Channel.t(), String.t()) :: {:ok, Cosmwasm.Wasm.V1.ContractInfo.t()} | {:error, GRPC.RPCError.t()}
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list(channel, module, code_ids)
@spec list(GRPC.Channel.t(), module(), [integer()]) :: {:ok, [struct()]} | {:error, GRPC.RPCError.t()}
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query_state_all(channel, address)
@spec query_state_all(GRPC.Channel.t(), String.t()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, GRPC.RPCError.t()}
Queries the full, raw contract state at an address
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query_state_smart(channel, address, query)
@spec query_state_smart(GRPC.Channel.t(), String.t(), map()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, GRPC.RPCError.t()}
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stream_state_all(channel, address)
Streams the current contract state