Kujira.Fin (kujira v0.1.80)
Kujira's 100% on-chain, central limit order book style decentralized token exchange.
Fetches the Pair contract and its current config from the chain
Fetches all Orders for a pair
Fetches all Pairs
Loads the current Book into the Pair
Link to this function
get_pair(channel, address)
@spec get_pair(Channel.t(), String.t()) :: {:ok, Kujira.Fin.Pair.t()} | {:error, :not_found}
Fetches the Pair contract and its current config from the chain
Link to this function
list_orders(channel, pair, address)
@spec list_orders(GRPC.Channel.t(), Kujira.Fin.Pair.t(), String.t()) :: {:ok, [Kujira.Fin.Order.t()]} | {:error, GRPC.RPCError.t()}
Fetches all Orders for a pair
Link to this function
list_pairs(channel, code_ids \\ [283, 352])
@spec list_pairs(GRPC.Channel.t(), [integer()]) :: {:ok, [Kujira.Fin.Pair.t()]} | {:error, GRPC.RPCError.t()}
Fetches all Pairs
Link to this function
load_pair(channel, pair, limit \\ 100)
@spec load_pair(Channel.t(), Kujira.Fin.Pair.t(), integer()) :: {:ok, Kujira.Fin.Pair.t()} | {:error, GRPC.RPCError.t()}
Loads the current Book into the Pair