WARNING: YAWS support is old and needs to be re-visited to make sure everything still works ...

The YAWS lanes plugin creates a routes/3 function which can then be called in the out/1 function that is required of a YAWS appmod module. For an example of this in action, see this mini REST-api.

A few important things to note here:

  • Each route is composed of an HTTP verb, a path, and a function to execute should both the verb and path match.
  • The function call in the route has access to the arg-data passed from YAWS; this contains all the data you could conceivably need to process a request. (You may need to import the yaws_api.hrl in your module to parse the data of your choice, though.)
  • If a path has a segment preceded by a colon, this will be converted to a variable by the (defroutes ...) macro; the variable will then be accessible from the function you provide in that route.
  • The (defroutes ...) macro generates the routes/3 function; it's three arguments are the HTTP verb (method name), the path info (a list of path segments, with the ":varname" segments converted tovarname/ variable segments), and then the arg-data variable from YAWS.

More details:

lanes needs to provide YAWS with an out/1 function. The location of this function is configured in your etc/yaws.conf file in the <appmods ...> directives (it can be repeated for supporting multiple endpoints).

YAWS will call this function with one argument: the YAWS arg record data. Since this function is the entry point for applications running under YAWS, it is responsible for determining how to process all requests.

The out/1 function in lane+YAWS-based apps calls the routes/3 function generated by the (defroutes ...) lanes/YAWS mamcro.

When a lanes-based project is compiled, the routes/3 function is available for use via whatever modules have defined routes with defroutes.