View Source Changelog

v0.3.0-rc.0 (2024-06-05)


  • LangChain.ChatModels.ChatGoogleAI which differed too significantly from LangChain.ChatModels.ChatGoogleAI. What's up with that? I'm looking at you Google! 👀
  • New callback mechanism was introduced to ChatModels and LLMChain. It was inspired by the approach used in the TS/JS LangChain library.
  • Ability to provide plug-like middleware functions for pre-processing an assistant response message. Most helpful when coupled with a new run mode called :until_success. The first built-in one is LangChain.MessageProcessors.JsonProcessor.
  • LLMChain has an internally managed current_failure_count and a publicly managed max_retry_count.
  • New run mode :until_success uses failure and retry counts to repeatedly run the chain when the LLMs responses fail a MessageProcessor.
  • LangChain.MessageProcessors.JsonProcessor is capable of extracting JSON contents and converting it to an Elixir map using Jason. Parsing errors are returned to the LLM for it to try again.
  • The attribute processed_content was added to a LangChain.Message. When a MessageProcessor is run on a received assistant message, the results of the processing are accumulated there. The original content remains unchanged for when it is sent back to the LLM and used when fixing or correcting it's generated content.
  • Callback support for LLM ratelimit information returned in API response headers. These are currently implemented for Anthropic and OpenAI.
  • Callback support for LLM token usage information returned when available.
  • LangChain.ChatModels.ChatModel additions
    • Added add_callback/2 makes it easier to add a callback to an chat model.
    • Added serialize_config/1 to serialize an LLM chat model configuration to a map that can be restored later.
    • Added restore_from_map/1 to restore a configured LLM chat model from a database (for example).
  • LangChain.Chain.LLMChain additions
    • New function add_callback/2 makes it easier to add a callback to an existing LLMChain.
    • New function add_llm_callback/2 makes it easier to add a callback to a chain's LLM. This is particularly useful when an LLM model is restored from a database when loading a past conversation and wanting to preserve the original configuration.


  • error result now includes the failed chain up to the point of failure. This is helpful for debugging.
  • ChatOpenAI and ChatAnthropic both support the new callbacks.
  • Many smaller changes and contributions were made. This includes updates to the README for clarity,
  • LangChain.Utils.fire_callback/3 was refactored into LangChain.Utils.fire_streamed_callback/2 where it is only used for processing deltas and uses the new callback mechanism.
  • Notebooks were moved to the separate demo project
  • LangChain.ChatModels.ChatGoogleAI's key :version was changed to :api_version to be more consistent with other models and allow for model serializers to use the :version key.

Migrations Steps

The function changed. Migrating should be easy.


|> true)

Is changed to:

|> :while_needs_response)

This change enabled adding the new mode :until_success, which is mutually exclusive with :while_needs_response.

Additionally, the error return value was changed to include the chain itself.


{:error, reason} =

Is changed to:

{:error, _updated_chain, reason} =

You can disregard the updated chain if you don't need it.

Callback events work differently now. Previously, a single callback_fn was executed and the developer needed to pattern match on a %Message{} or %MessageDelta{}. Callbacks work differently now.

When creating an LLM chat model, we can optionally pass in a map of callbacks where the event name is linked to the function to execute.


live_view_pid = self()

callback_fn = fn
  %MessageDelta{} = delta ->
    send(live_view_pid, {:received_delta, delta})

  %Message{} = message ->
    send(live_view_pid, {:received_message, message})

{:ok, _result_chain, last_message} =!(%{llm: %ChatAnthropic{stream: false}})
  |> LLMChain.add_message(Message.new_user!("Say, 'Hi!'!"))
  |> callback_fn)

The equivalent code would look like this:

Is changed to:

live_view_pid = self()

handler = %{
  on_llm_new_delta: fn _model, delta ->
    send(live_view_pid, {:received_delta, delta})
  on_llm_new_message: fn _model, message ->
    send(live_view_pid, {:received_message, message})

{:ok, _result_chain, last_message} =!(%{llm: %ChatAnthropic{stream: false, callbacks: [handler]}})
  |> LLMChain.add_message(Message.new_user!("Say, 'Hi!'!"))

The Message and MessageDelta callbacks are now set on the model. The callbacks are more granular and new callbacks are supported on the LLMChain as well. This more flexible configuration allows for more callbacks to be added as we move forward.

Also of note, is that the callbacks are set as a list of handler maps. This means we can assign multiple sets of callbacks for different purposes and they all get executed.

v0.2.0 (2024-04-30)

For LLMs that support it (verified with ChatGPT and Anthropic), a user message can now contain multiple ContentParts, making it "multi-modal". This means images and text can be combined into a single message allowing for interactions about the images to now be possible.



  • The roles of :function and :function_call are removed. The equivalent of a function_call is expressed by an :assistant role making one or more ToolCall requests. The :function was the system's answer to a function call. This is now in the :tool role.
  • Role :tool was added. A tool message contains one or more ToolResult messages.

v0.1.10 (2024-03-07)


v0.1.9 (2024-02-29) - The Leap Release!

This adds support for Bumblebee as a Chat model, making it easy to have conversations with Llama 2, Mistral, and Zephyr LLMs.

See the documentation in LangChain.ChatModels.ChatBumblebee for getting started.

NOTE: That at this time, none of the models support the function ability, so that is not supported yet.

This release includes an experimental change for better support of streamed responses that are broken up over multiple messages from services like ChatGPT and others.

Other library dependencies requirements were relaxed, making it easier to support different versions of libraries like req and nx.

v0.1.8 (2024-02-16)

Breaking change: RoutingChain's required values changed. Previously, default_chain was assigned an %LLMChain{} to return when no more specific routes matched.

This was changed to be default_route. It now expects a %PromptRoute{} to be provided.

Here's how to make the change:

  selected_route ={
      llm:{model: "gpt-3.5-turbo", stream: false}),
      input_text: user_input_text,
      routes: routes,
      default_route:!(%{name: "DEFAULT", chain: fallback_chain})
    |> RoutingChain.evaluate()

The default_chain was changed to default_route and now expects a PromptRoute to be provided. The above example includes a sample default route that includes an optional fallback_chain.

Previously, the returned value from RoutingChain.evaluate/1 was a selected_chain; it now returns the selected_route.

Why was this changed?

This was changed to make it easier to use a PromptChain when there isn't an associated %LLMChain{} for it. The application must just need the answer of which route was selected.

This includes the change of not requiring a %PromptChain{}'s description or chain field.

Other Changes

v0.1.7 (2024-01-18)

v0.1.6 (2023-12-12)

  • Fix for correct usage of new Req retry setting. PR #57

v0.1.5 (2023-12-11)

  • Upgraded Req to v0.4.8. It contains a needed retry fix for certain situations.
  • Fix OpenAI returns "Unrecognized request argument supplied: api_key" PR #54

v0.1.4 (2023-12-11)

v0.1.3 (2023-12-01)

v0.1.2 (2023-10-26)

v0.1.1 (2023-10-10)

Minor update release.

  • added "update_custom_context" to LLMChain
  • added support for setting the OpenAI-Organization header in requests
  • fixed data extraction chain and improved the prompt
  • make chatgpt response tests more robust

v0.1.0 (2023-09-18)

Initial release when published to