LangChain.VectorStore.Provider protocol (langchainex v0.2.3)
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add a list of vectors to the provider result is the number of vectors added
load a vector store from a directory
search for the top k most similar vectors to the query vector result is a simple list of vectors
search for the top k most similar vectors to the query vector result is a list of %{ score: X.XX, vector: [....]} maps
Link to this section Types
@type t() :: term()
Link to this section Functions
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add_vectors(config, vector_list)
add a list of vectors to the provider result is the number of vectors added
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load(config, directory, embeddings)
load a vector store from a directory
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similarity_search(config, query, k, filter)
search for the top k most similar vectors to the query vector result is a simple list of vectors
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similarity_search_with_score(config, query, k, filter)
search for the top k most similar vectors to the query vector result is a list of %{ score: X.XX, vector: [....]} maps