View Source LibLatLon.Coords (LibLatLon v0.8.0)

Main struct to be used as coordinates representation.

One might cast nearly everything to LibLatLon.Coord with LibLatLon.Coord.borrow/1 and/or LibLatLon.Coord.borrow/2.

This struct implements both String.Chars and Inspect protocols. The fancy string representation of any lat/lon pair might be get by Kernel.to_string/1:

iex> to_string(LibLatLon.Coords.borrow(lat: 41.38, lon: 2.19))

Note, that this representation might be used as is when querying any geolocation services and/or GoogleMaps. Try:



Degrees, minutes and seconds as a tuple

Degrees, minutes and seconds as a list

Degrees, minutes and seconds with an optional semisphere reference


The type to store coordinates.


Converts literally any input to LibLatLon.Coords instance.

Converts {{degree, minute, second}, semisphere} or {[degree, minute, second], semisphere} representation into LibLatLon.Coords.

Converts degree, minute, second, semisphere representation into LibLatLon.Coords. When the last parameter semisphere is not one of: "S" or "W" or -1 or :south or west, it is implicitly considered to be in NE semisphere.

Retrieves coordinates from barely anything.

Converts literally anything, provided as combined latlon value to two tuples {{degree, minute, second}, semisphere}. Barely used from the outside the package, since LibLatLon.Coords.t is obviously better type to work with coordinates by all means.

Converts literally anything, provided as latitude and longitude values to two tuples {{degree, minute, second}, semisphere}. Barely used from the outside the package, since LibLatLon.Coords.t is obviously better type to work with coordinates by all means.


@type dms() :: {number(), number(), number()}

Degrees, minutes and seconds as a tuple

@type dms_list() :: [number()]

Degrees, minutes and seconds as a list

@type dms_ss() :: {dms() | dms_list(), binary() | nil}

Degrees, minutes and seconds with an optional semisphere reference

@type t() :: %LibLatLon.Coords{
  lat: number(),
  lon: number(),
  alt: number(),
  direction: number(),
  magnetic?: boolean()

The type to store coordinates.

Mostly used fields are lat and lon, stored as Float.t. Also might contain altitude and direction to calculate the latitude and langitude for the destination point (mostly used when dealing with EXIF information from images.)


@spec borrow(
  {number(), number()}
  | nil
  | {dms_ss(), dms_ss()}
  | dms_ss()
  | [number()]
  | map()
  | binary()
  | keyword()
  | %Exexif.Data.Gps{
      gps_altitude: term(),
      gps_altitude_ref: term(),
      gps_area_information: term(),
      gps_date_stamp: term(),
      gps_dest_bearing: term(),
      gps_dest_bearing_ref: term(),
      gps_dest_distance: term(),
      gps_dest_distance_ref: term(),
      gps_dest_latitude: term(),
      gps_dest_latitude_ref: term(),
      gps_dest_longitude: term(),
      gps_dest_longitude_ref: term(),
      gps_differential: term(),
      gps_dop: term(),
      gps_h_positioning_errorl: term(),
      gps_img_direction: term(),
      gps_img_direction_ref: term(),
      gps_latitude: term(),
      gps_latitude_ref: term(),
      gps_longitude: term(),
      gps_longitude_ref: term(),
      gps_map_datum: term(),
      gps_measure_mode: term(),
      gps_processing_method: term(),
      gps_satellites: term(),
      gps_speed: term(),
      gps_speed_ref: term(),
      gps_status: term(),
      gps_time_stamp: term(),
      gps_track: term(),
      gps_track_ref: term(),
      gps_version_id: term()
) :: t() | number() | nil | {:error, any()}

Converts literally any input to LibLatLon.Coords instance.


iex> LibLatLon.Coords.borrow("41°23´16˝N,2°11´50˝E")
%LibLatLon.Coords{lat: 41.38777777777778, lon: 2.197222222222222}

iex> LibLatLon.Coords.borrow("41°23´16.222˝N,2°11´50.333˝E")
%LibLatLon.Coords{lat: 41.387839444444445, lon: 2.197314722222222}

iex> LibLatLon.Coords.borrow({{{41, 23, 16.0}, "N"}, {{2, 11, 50.0}, "E"}})
%LibLatLon.Coords{lat: 41.38777777777778, lon: 2.197222222222222}

iex> LibLatLon.Coords.borrow(lat: 41.38, lon: 2.19)
%LibLatLon.Coords{lat: 41.38, lon: 2.19}
@spec borrow(dms() | dms_list(), any()) :: number()

Converts {{degree, minute, second}, semisphere} or {[degree, minute, second], semisphere} representation into LibLatLon.Coords.

Link to this function

borrow(d, m, s, ss \\ nil)

View Source
@spec borrow(number(), number(), number(), any()) :: number()

Converts degree, minute, second, semisphere representation into LibLatLon.Coords. When the last parameter semisphere is not one of: "S" or "W" or -1 or :south or west, it is implicitly considered to be in NE semisphere.

@spec coordinate(nil | binary() | %{} | any()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, any()}

Retrieves coordinates from barely anything.

iex> {:ok, result} = LibLatLon.Coords.coordinate("test/inputs/1.jpg")
...> result
#Coord<[lat: 41.37600333333334, lon: 2.1486783333333332, fancy: "41°22´33.612˝N,2°8´55.242˝E"]>

iex> LibLatLon.Coords.coordinate("test/inputs/unknown.jpg")
{:error, {:weird_input, [nil]}}
@spec coordinate!(nil | binary() | %{} | any()) :: t()

Same as LibLatLon.Coords.coordinate/1, but banged.


iex> LibLatLon.Coords.coordinate!("test/inputs/1.jpg")
#Coord<[lat: 41.37600333333334, lon: 2.1486783333333332, fancy: "41°22´33.612˝N,2°8´55.242˝E"]>
@spec lend({number(), number()} | [number()] | t()) :: {dms_ss(), dms_ss()}

Converts literally anything, provided as combined latlon value to two tuples {{degree, minute, second}, semisphere}. Barely used from the outside the package, since LibLatLon.Coords.t is obviously better type to work with coordinates by all means.


iex> LibLatLon.Coords.lend({41.38777777777778, 2.197222222222222})
{{{41, 23, 16.0}, "N"}, {{2, 11, 50.0}, "E"}}

iex> LibLatLon.Coords.lend([41.38777777777778, 2.197222222222222])
{{{41, 23, 16.0}, "N"}, {{2, 11, 50.0}, "E"}}
@spec lend(number(), number()) :: {dms_ss(), dms_ss()}

Converts literally anything, provided as latitude and longitude values to two tuples {{degree, minute, second}, semisphere}. Barely used from the outside the package, since LibLatLon.Coords.t is obviously better type to work with coordinates by all means.


iex> LibLatLon.Coords.lend(41.38777777777778, 2.197222222222222)
{{{41, 23, 16.0}, "N"}, {{2, 11, 50.0}, "E"}}