Graph.Edge (libgraph v0.16.0)

This module defines the struct used to represent edges and associated metadata about them.

Used internally, v1 and v2 typically hold vertex ids, not the vertex itself, but all public APIs which return Graph.Edge structs, return them with the actual vertices.

Link to this section Summary


Defines a new edge and accepts optional values for weight and label. The defaults of a weight of 1 and no label will be used if the options do not specify otherwise.

Link to this section Types

@type edge_opt() :: {:weight, integer() | float()} | {:label, term()}
@type edge_opts() :: [edge_opt()]
@type t() :: %Graph.Edge{
  label: term(),
  v1: Graph.vertex(),
  v2: Graph.vertex(),
  weight: integer() | float()

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

new(v1, v2, opts \\ [])

@spec new(Graph.vertex(), Graph.vertex(), [edge_opt()]) :: t() | no_return()

Defines a new edge and accepts optional values for weight and label. The defaults of a weight of 1 and no label will be used if the options do not specify otherwise.

An error will be thrown if weight is not an integer or float.



iex> |> Graph.add_edge(, :b, weight: "1"))
** (ArgumentError) invalid value for :weight, must be an integer