Literature.Language (literature v0.4.1)



Return all the languages' iso-codes available for a given locale. Defaults to the current locale.

Return a map of iso-code keyed maps of language names in any available formats for the given locale. Defaults to the current locale.

Try to translate the given language iso code or language tag.


@type styles() :: :standard | :short


Link to this function

available_languages(locale \\ get_locale())

@spec available_languages(Cldr.Locale.locale_name() | Cldr.LanguageTag.t()) ::
  [String.t()] | {:error, term()}

Return all the languages' iso-codes available for a given locale. Defaults to the current locale.


> Literature.Language.Language.available_languages(:en)
["aa", "ab", "ace", "ach", "ada", "ady", "ae", "aeb", "af", "afh", "agq", "ain",
"ak", "akk", "akz", "ale", "aln", "alt", "am", "an", "ang", "anp", "ar",
"ar-001", "arc", "arn", "aro", "arp", "arq", "ars", "arw", "ary", "arz", "as",
"asa", "ase", "ast", "av", "avk", "awa", "ay", "az", "ba", "bal", "ban", "bar",
"bas", "bax", "bbc", "bbj", ...]
Link to this function

known_languages(locale \\ get_locale())

@spec known_languages(Cldr.Locale.locale_name() | Cldr.LanguageTag.t()) ::
  %{required(String.t()) => %{required(styles()) => String.t()}}
  | {:error, term()}

Return a map of iso-code keyed maps of language names in any available formats for the given locale. Defaults to the current locale.


> Literature.Language.Language.known_languages(:en)
%{"bez" => %{standard: "Bena"}, "lo" => %{standard: "Lao"},
"kha" => %{standard: "Khasi"}, "eo" => %{standard: "Esperanto"},
"rm" => %{standard: "Romansh"}, "ja" => %{standard: "Japanese"},
"sw-CD" => %{standard: "Congo Swahili"},
"pdc" => %{standard: "Pennsylvania German"}, "om" => %{standard: "Oromo"},
"jut" => %{standard: "Jutish"}, "lij" => %{standard: "Ligurian"},
"kut" => %{standard: "Kutenai"}, "vep" => %{standard: "Veps"},
"yao" => %{standard: "Yao"}, "gez" => %{standard: "Geez"},
"cr" => %{standard: "Cree"}, "ne" => %{standard: "Nepali"},
"zbl" => %{standard: "Blissymbols"}, "ae" => %{standard: "Avestan"},
"rof" => %{standard: "Rombo"}, "tkl" => %{standard: "Tokelau"},
"rgn" => %{standard: "Romagnol"}, "el" => %{standard: "Greek"},
"myv" => %{standard: "Erzya"}, "smj" => %{standard: "Lule Sami"},
"fo" => %{standard: "Faroese"}, "ii" => %{standard: "Sichuan Yi"},
"bum" => %{standard: "Bulu"}, "za" => %{standard: "Zhuang"},
"raj" => %{standard: "Rajasthani"}, "mrj" => %{standard: "Western Mari"},
"stq" => %{standard: "Saterland Frisian"}, "hu" => %{standard: "Hungarian"},
"mga" => %{standard: "Middle Irish"}, "bej" => %{standard: "Beja"},
"yue" => %{standard: "Cantonese"}, "xog" => %{standard: "Soga"},
"ttt" => %{standard: "Muslim Tat"}, "uga" => %{standard: "Ugaritic"},
"rup" => %{standard: "Aromanian"},
"crs" => %{standard: "Seselwa Creole French"}, "oc" => %{standard: "Occitan"},
"chp" => %{standard: "Chipewyan"}, "zen" => %{standard: "Zenaga"},
"kmb" => %{standard: "Kimbundu"}, "nr" => %{standard: "South Ndebele"},
"tiv" => %{standard: "Tiv"}, "aln" => %{standard: "Gheg Albanian"},
"sh" => %{standard: "Serbo-Croatian"}, "fil" => %{...}, ...}
Link to this function

to_string(key, options \\ [])

@spec to_string(Cldr.Locale.language() | Cldr.LanguageTag.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, term()}

Try to translate the given language iso code or language tag.


iex> Literature.Language.Language.to_string("eo")
{:ok, "Esperanto"}