Literature.Number.Ordinal (literature v0.4.1)

Implements ordinal plural rules for numbers.



The locale names for which plural rules are defined.

The configured locales for which plural rules are defined.

Return the plural key for a given number in a given locale

Returns all the plural rules defined in CLDR.

Return the plural rules for a locale.

Pluralize a number using ordinal plural rules and a substitution map.


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The locale names for which plural rules are defined.

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@spec known_locale_names() :: [Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), ...]

The configured locales for which plural rules are defined.

Returns the intersection of Literature.known_locale_names/0 and the locales for which Ordinal plural rules are defined.

There are many Cldr locales which don't have their own plural rules so this list is the intersection of Cldr's configured locales and those that have rules.

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plural_rule(number, locale, rounding \\ Math.default_rounding())

Return the plural key for a given number in a given locale

Returns which plural key (:zero, :one, :two, :few, :many or :other) a given number fits into within the context of a given locale.

Note that these key names should not be interpreted literally. For example, the key returned from Cldr.Number.Ordinal.plural_rule(0, "en") is actually :other, not :zero.

This key can then be used to format a number, date, time, unit, list or other content in a plural-sensitive way.



iex> Literature.Number.Ordinal.plural_rule 0, "fr"

iex> Literature.Number.Ordinal.plural_rule 1, "en"
@spec plural_rules() :: %{
  required(Cldr.Locale.locale_name()) => [
    {plural_type :: Cldr.Number.PluralRule.plural_type(),
     plural_rules :: [Cldr.Number.PluralRule.plural_rule(), ...]},

Returns all the plural rules defined in CLDR.

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@spec plural_rules_for(Cldr.Locale.locale_name() | Cldr.LanguageTag.t()) :: [
  {atom(), list()},

Return the plural rules for a locale.


The rules are returned in AST form after parsing.

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pluralize(number, locale_name, substitutions)

Pluralize a number using ordinal plural rules and a substitution map.


  • number is an integer, float or Decimal or a Range.t{}. When a range, The is that in any usage, the start value is strictly less than the end value, and that no values are negative. Results for any cases that do not meet these criteria are undefined.

  • locale is any locale returned by!/1 or any locale_name returned by Literature.known_locale_names/0

  • substitutions is a map that maps plural keys to a string. The valid substitution keys are :zero, :one, :two, :few, :many and :other.

See also Literature.Number.Ordinal.Ordinal.plural_rule/3.


iex> Literature.Number.Ordinal.pluralize 1, :en, %{one: "one"}

iex> Literature.Number.Ordinal.pluralize 2, :en, %{one: "one"}

iex> Literature.Number.Ordinal.pluralize 2, :en, %{one: "one", two: "two"}

iex> Literature.Number.Ordinal.pluralize 22, :en, %{one: "one", two: "two", other: "other"}

iex> Literature.Number.Ordinal.pluralize, :en, %{one: "one"}

iex> Literature.Number.Ordinal.pluralize, :en, %{one: "one"}

iex> Literature.Number.Ordinal.pluralize, :en, %{one: "one", two: "two"}

iex> Literature.Number.Ordinal.pluralize 1..10, "ar", %{one: "one", few: "few", other: "other"}

iex> Literature.Number.Ordinal.pluralize 1..10, "en", %{one: "one", few: "few", other: "other"}